Broken smail config

1998-01-11 Thread Andrew Martin Adrian Cater \[Andy\]
Subject says it all: newest version of smail is refusing to parse the config file so is failing to work. I may be able to send this: I may not receive it back. Andy -- TO UNSUBSCRIBE FROM THIS MAILING LIST: e-mail the word "unsubscribe" to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . Trouble? e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECT

Elm not working (followup)

1997-12-09 Thread Andrew Martin Adrian Cater \[Andy\]
I solved my problem: I'd also upgraded smail and the new version wasn't prodding my ISP. I needed to reconfigure Smail using the smailconfig --force option. The default method of starting from inetd didn't work for me: I now have a smail daemon running and it works perfectly. Hope this helps any