Re: 在woody上安装了mysql为什么没有}3306端口

2002-07-22 文章 Alex Lau
Correct :) Just comment it out, you should able to connection from the socket. Also make sure the inside the database mysql --> user (table ) the host column "%" included in your user. e.g "%" "alex" "password" "localhost" "alex" "password" this way you will able to connect both internally and ext

Re: 在woody上安装了mysql为什么没有}3306端口

2002-07-19 文章 Alex Lau
sorry forget to answer the other question localhost is not using socket call :) it should use the file descriptor /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock as a socket. that's why you can connect localy. IPC inter process communication usually get the following media share memory-(thread to thread), file escript

Re: 在woody上安装了mysql为什么没有}3306端口

2002-07-19 文章 Alex Lau
mysql don't default open the 3306 anymore you have to go into the /etc/mysql/my.cnf comment out skip-networking 8007 should be used by tomcat internet port it feed to apache jk_mod I'm not sure what 8009 is. but if you are using portsenter it nmap may not look the same... send the nmap to me if yo