Debian support for IBM Websphere and DB2

2005-03-23 文章 Max Zou
Hi, åååï Debian ïunstableïäçææèåçDesktop OSæServerçééãäææèéèååæIBM WebsphereåDB2 äWindowsçæåLinuxãçåæèææäçèèääIBMçäåïääIBMççäïææçLinuxçæééææDebianã äèæèææçäääçDebianïæäæèéæèæéçéæèæçäåïåèäääåéçïåååDebian stable æ testing äèèæåæéé? èèï -- Best regards, ZM

Re: Looking for `source.list'

2005-03-12 文章 Max Zou
try netselect-apt On Sat, 12 Mar 2005 15:42:05 +0800, alsor_zhou <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > hi, all debianer, > I am new to debian and used RH for a long time. Now I have debian > sarga-rc2 on my box, and using the network-install. > I need some fast and ever-refresh download mirrors for