
2007-02-26 文章 刘世伟
装了2台服务器,都有点问题 2台服务器都是amd64 X2 4200+的cpu 但主板不同。 系统偶尔会崩溃。 崩溃是交换内存被占满, 机器能回应ping,但是所有的服务都停止响应。 崩溃时kern.log的提示完全一样,估计是交换内存占满造成的错误提示, 会不会是2.6.18-3-amd64的问题? 现在换了kernel.org下载的2.6.20-1内核, 正在测试中。 其他人有遇到这个问题的吗? 出错是的kern.log提示: Feb 24 03:15:49 YZ kernel: Call Trace: Feb 24 03:15:49 YZ kernel:  [] out_of_

[D-I Manual] Build log for zh_CN (26 Feb 2007)

2007-02-26 文章 Frans Pop
A build of the Debian Installer Manual was triggered by an update to SVN. There were no errors during the build process. The new version of the manual has been uploaded successfully. A log of the build is available at: - http://people.debian.org/~fjp/d-i_manual/log/zh_CN.log === It is possible t

Uxgly Tzeen CUTEGIVRLS Seucking Cqocks At Gnloryhole

2007-02-26 文章 Tom Mills
Dark Haired HOTGIRLQS Sclut Mlasturbating With Dpildo http://work.zimetezo.com/d1/p3/3/8/ Lazy people are always anxious to be doing something. Think where man's glory most begins and ends, And say my glory was I had such friends. He had a wonderful talent for packing thought close, and renderi