Proposal for new Debian image: Vagrant base box

2015-10-29 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Hi debian-installmedia, I have been working with the debian-cloud team for some time now creating "Vanilla" Debian Images for Vagrant, a devops tool. Vagrant call these images base boxes, it's basically some kind of lightly customized Virtualbox OVF with extra meta data information. I've documen

Re: Proposal for new Debian image: Vagrant base box

2015-11-01 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Hi Steve ! >> I have been working with the debian-cloud team for some time now >> creating "Vanilla" Debian Images for Vagrant, a devops tool. >> >> Vagrant call these images base boxes, it's basically some kind of >> lightly customized Virtualbox OVF with extra meta data information. >> >> I've d

Re: Proposal for new Debian image: Vagrant base box

2016-01-06 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Hi steve and debian-cd folks >>> I have been working with the debian-cloud team for some time now >>> creating "Vanilla" Debian Images for Vagrant, a devops tool. >>> >>> Vagrant call these images base boxes, it's basically some kind of >>> lightly customized Virtualbox OVF with extra meta data in

Re: Cloud images on cdimage

2016-02-14 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Le 06/02/2016 23:12, Tiago Ilieve a écrit : > Steve, > > I was looking at the "cdimage" page[1] and noticed that there's no > cloud images for the platforms we have official releases. Is there a > way we can publish them there? I'm personally interested in making > Oracle Compute Cloud images avai

Re: Building cloud images on Debian infrastructure

2016-03-29 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
On 03/29/2016 02:54 PM, Bastian Blank wrote: > Hi folks > > As already known, Steve, Martin and me talked about how we could build > Azure and all the other images on Debian infrastructure. The results of > this meeting were posted by Martin and Steve already. > > We didn't talk much about the

Re: Why there is no encryption if I download files from ?

2016-07-03 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Le 03/07/2016 à 14:51, a écrit : > When I visit I see that connection IS encrypted. But if I, > for example, try to download a torrent file and go to > to, then out of blue > connection becomes unprotected. I know t

Re: Comments on live-build, vmdebootstrap, bootstrap-vz, and live-wrapper

2016-08-16 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Le 16/08/2016 à 17:56, Sam Hartman a écrit : > > Please note the follow-up to the cloud list. Hi Sam Thank your for this very thorough review of image creation tools. You made me google for "object oriented shell programming" ... But ... could you maybe also have a looker at packer ? ( https://

Re: Call For Participation Debian Cloud Sprint

2016-08-19 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Le 11/08/2016 à 23:13, Zach Marano a écrit : > We are organizing a Debian cloud sprint to focus on subjects like: > - What does it mean to run Debian in the cloud. > - Define the official Debian cloud image. > - In depth look at how Debian works on current cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, > GCE, etc).

Re: qcow2 images of Debian 8 (Jessie) for ARM. MIPS and PPC

2016-10-03 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
On 10/03/2016 10:49 AM, Syed Abdul Zuber wrote: > Hi, > > For a project purpose, I am looking for qcow2 images of Debian 8 (Jessie) > for ARM, MIPS, PowerPC. I didnt find in your website in the following link " >";. I can find qcow2 images of only > Squee

Re: Adding symbolic links for "current" images

2016-11-28 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
On 11/28/2016 12:38 PM, Marcin Kulisz wrote: > On 2016-11-18 07:08:27, Mohammed Naser wrote: >>> On Nov 18, 2016, at 3:33 AM, Marcin Kulisz wrote: >>> >>> On 2016-11-18 08:02:05, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote: >>> >>> snip >>> With a /current/ link a lot of people (who might then do the same thing

Vagrant Boxes images release for Stretch

2017-06-16 Thread Emmanuel Kasper
Hi Lists I will rebuild and upload Vagrant Boxes images on Sunday 18 June for the VirtualBox provider. I build from CD so I need the CD images to be already available on the webs. So it should be right in time for Ana's blog post on Tuesday. I'll be around in #debian-cloud on Sunday to report my pr