Re: Live System images and Pure Blends

2022-07-25 Thread adrian15sgd
El 24/7/22 a las 13:02, Stefan Kropp escribió: # Rescue Disk Image An image for a live system to rescues a broken system. It may have a set of useful tool, but may not have a X-Server. Powerful editor, maybe also gnu compilers and manpages and screen / tmux. This is not just a 'small' Rescue Di

Re: [Question] Integrating the debian installer in live-build - DVD, multi-arch, custom, etc.

2020-04-15 Thread adrian15sgd
El 15/4/20 a las 20:56, dbgr escribió: Hello. I was not sure if this email should've been sent to both list. So sorry if it should've not :-/ I am using the live-build version 20191221 (the one in testing) on a debian stable/buster system to build an live image with and integrated debian in