Re: 7.6 and 6.0.10

2014-06-04 Thread Ansgar Burchardt
Hi, "Adam D. Barratt" writes: > (Somewhat belatedly) it's time to organise the next point releases for > Wheezy and Squeeze (7.6 and 6.0.10). [...] > Giving ourselves the usual pre-window to get organised, some suggested > dates would be: > > - June 28/29 > - July 5/6 > - July 12/13 > - July 19/2

7.6 and 6.0.10

2014-06-04 Thread Adam D. Barratt
Hi, (Somewhat belatedly) it's time to organise the next point releases for Wheezy and Squeeze (7.6 and 6.0.10). This will be the final point release for Squeeze, incorporating as many of the packages from opu and squeeze-security as we can (some will have to be skipped - there's a security packag