Processing commands for
> notfound 1056723 4.0.5-1
Bug #1056723 {Done: Thomas Goirand } [src:rabbitmq-server]
rabbitmq-server: CVE-2023-46118
Ignoring request to alter found versions of bug #1056723 to the same values
previously set
> notfound 1056723 3.10.8-1.1+deb12u1
Processing commands for
> found 965805 0.33-1.1
Bug #965805 {Done: Håvard Flaget Aasen } [src:ruli]
ruli: Removal of obsolete debhelper compat 5 and 6 in bookworm
Marked as found in versions ruli/0.33-1.1.
> notfound 965805 0.36-1
Bug #965805 {Done: Håvard Flaget Aasen }
Processing commands for
> notfound 1001936 2.2.4-1
Bug #1001936 [r-cran-rbibutils] r-cran-rbibutils: Failing autopkgtests on !x86
No longer marked as found in versions r-cran-rbibutils/2.2.4-1.
> found 1001936 2.2.7-1
Bug #1001936 [r-cran-rbibutils] r-cran-rbibutils: Faili
Processing commands for
> notfound 1000339 r-cran-raster/3.5-2-1
Bug #1000339 [src:r-cran-raster, src:r-cran-satellite] r-cran-raster breaks
r-cran-satellite autopkgtest: unable to find an inherited method for function
No longer marked as found in versions r-cra
Processing commands for
> # Why is BTS so damn complicated? :/ I wish we had a simpler system to simply
> mark bugs as done
> # A simple web-service maybe?
> reopen 996407
Bug #996407 {Done: Nilesh Patra } [src:diamond-aligner,
src:proteinortho] diamond-aligner breaks pr
Processing commands for
> notfound 990026 cron/3.0pl1-134
Bug #990026 [cron] cron: Reduced charset in MAILTO causes breakage
No longer marked as found in versions cron/3.0pl1-134.
> found 990026 cron/3.0pl1-137
Bug #990026 [cron] cron: Reduced charset in MAILTO causes brea
Processing commands for
> # use source package, as that seems to be what version tracking wants
> notfixed 925950 cross-gcc-dev/230
Bug #925950 {Done: Helmut Grohne } [cross-gcc-dev] patches
no longer apply for gcc-8 and gcc-9
The source cross-gcc-dev and version 230 do n
Processing commands for
> # BTS thinks this bug is found and fixed in, which confuses version
> # tracking. Adjusting versions...
> notfixed 893244
Bug #893244 {Done: Markus Koschany } [src:jruby] jruby FTBFS
with openjdk-9
No longer marked as fixed
Processing commands for
> # the changelog entry for 31 is missing in the changelog for 32, so version
> # tracking doesn't know the bug is fixed in 32 (which builds file on the
> # buildd)
> fixed 917745 32
Bug #917745 {Done: Matthias Klose } [src:cross-toolchain-base]
Processing commands for
> # version tracking doesn't allow the found and fixed version to be the same
> # removing the fixed version will mark the bug as 'not present' for all
> # versions
> notfixed 857811 0.84.2
Bug #857811 {Done: Simon McVittie } [synaptic] synaptic: On
Processing commands for
> # it looks like 770916 affects the version in testing as well
> found 770916 0.15-1
Bug #770916 [ruby-handlebars-assets] failed to find asset during precompile
Marked as found in versions ruby-handlebars-assets/0.15-1.
> thanks
Stopping processing
Processing commands for
> # found and fixed version should be in the same package
> reassign 774552 ktp-common-internals 0.8.1-3
Bug #774552 {Done: Diane Trout } [kde-telepathy-contact-list]
kde-telepathy-contact-list: missing dependency to telepathy-logger
Bug reassigned
Processing commands for
> # found and fixed version cannot be the same
> notfixed 768998 1.0-2
Bug #768998 {Done: Patryk Cisek } [src:kadu-mime-tex]
kadu-mime-tex: FTBFS on all arches
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1.0-2.
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Processing commands for
> # the reopen wasn't intentional
> close 766273
Bug #766273 [undertaker] picosat and undertaker: error when trying to install
Marked Bug as done
> Ivo
Unknown command or malformed arguments to command.
> On Fri, Nov 21, 2014 at 06:39:21PM
Processing commands for
> # version tracking doesn't work very well for bugs files against multiple
> # packages, as the bug is fixed in undertaker, reassign it
> reassign 766273 undertaker
Bug #766273 {Done: Reinhard Tartler } [undertaker,picosat]
picosat and undertaker:
Processing commands for
> # version tracking is confused when found and fixed version are in different
> # packages
> reassign 769555 ruby-actionpack-action-caching
Bug #769555 {Done: Antonio Terceiro } [redmine] redmine:
package fails to upgrade properly from wheezy
Processing commands for
> # version tracking is confused when found and fixed version are in different
> # packages
> reassign 768684 c-icap
Bug #768684 {Done: Mathieu Parent } [src:c-icap-modules]
c-icap-modules: FTBFS in jessie: ossl_typ.h:165:24: error: 'CONF' redeclar
Processing commands for
> # version tracking is confused when found and fixed version are in different
> # packages
> reassign 766832 magics++
Bug #766832 {Done: Alastair McKinstry } [src:metview]
metview: FTBFS on mipsel: libMagWrapper.a: error adding symbols: Bad value
Processing commands for
> # version tracking is confused when fixed and found version are in different
> # packages
> reassign 763735 gtk+2.0
Bug #763735 {Done: Simon McVittie } [blueproximity]
blueproximity: Fails to start with Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked
Processing commands for
> # version tracking is confused because found and fixed version are in
> # different packages
> reassign 763625 gtk+2.0
Bug #763625 {Done: Simon McVittie } [keepnote] keepnote fails
with Attempt to unlock mutex that was not locked
Bug reassigned f
Processing commands for
> # version tracking is confused because the found and fixed version are in
> # different packages
> reassign 763602 gtk+2.0
Bug #763602 {Done: Simon McVittie } [mirage] mirage: Attempt
to unlock mutex that was not locked
Bug reassigned from packag
Processing commands for
> # version tracking is confused when found and fixed versions are in different
> # packages
> reassign 766261 python-requests
Bug #766261 {Done: Nicolas CANIART } [virtualenv]
python-request-whl version 2.4.3 breaks pip and virtualenv
Bug reassign
Processing commands for
> # found and fixed version cannot be the same
> notfixed 758778 1.17.13
Bug #758778 {Done: Guillem Jover } [dpkg]
dpkg-maintscript-helper: error: original symlink target is not an absolute path
No longer marked as fixed in versions 1.17.13.
> than
Processing commands for
> # version tracking doesn't really work against different packages
> reassign 740491 libtirpc
Bug #740491 {Done: Aurelien Jarno } [nfs-common]
nfs-common: fails to upgrade (action "restart" failed)
Bug reassigned from package 'nfs-common' to 'libt
Processing commands for
> # found and fixed version must not be the same
> notfound 753215 collectd/5.4.1-3
Bug #753215 {Done: Bernd Zeimetz } [src:collectd]
collectd: FTBFS: configure: error: "Some plugins are missing dependencies - see
the summary above for details"
Processing commands for
> # version tracking doesn't handle multiple packages very well
> reassign 751589 systemd 204-6
Bug #751589 {Done: Michael Biebl }
[sysvinit-core,systemd-sysv] sysvinit-core: /sbin/init missing after switching
from systemd to sysvinit
Bug reassign
Processing commands for
> # make sure version tracking works correctly
> reassign 752920 libconfig-model-perl
Bug #752920 {Done: Dominique Dumont } [libyaml-perl]
libyaml-perl: YAML::Any does not define $YAML::Any::VERSION
Bug #752942 {Done: Dominique Dumont } [libyaml-pe
Processing commands for
> # these bugs are fixed in doxygen, so reassign them there, so that version
> # tracking works correctly
> reassign 750260 doxygen
Bug #750260 {Done: Mattias Ellert }
[src:globus-ftp-client] globus-ftp-client: FTBFS: ! LaTeX Error: Unknown float
Processing commands for
> # found and fixed version not in same package
> reassign 746049 vala-0.24
Bug #746049 {Done: Andreas Henriksson } [src:gucharmap]
gucharmap: FTBFS: Gucharmap-2.90.gir:1424.7-1424.33: error: The type name
`Atk.TableCell' could not be found
Bug re
Processing commands for
> # fixed version was wrong
> notfixed 746036
Bug #746036 {Done: Carsten Schoenert }
[iceowl-extension] iceowl-extension: Event not shown when calendar view
There is no source info for the package 'iceowl-extension' at version
Processing commands for
> # typo in previous one...
> notfixed 744183 movit/1.1-1
Bug #744183 [src:movit] libmovit2 and libmovit1: error when trying to install
No longer marked as fixed in versions movit/1.1-1.
> fixed 744183 movit/1.1-2
Bug #744183 [src:movit] l
Processing commands for
> # version tracking doesn't handle multiple packages very well
> reassign 744183 src:movit
Bug #744183 {Done: (Steinar H. Gunderson)}
[libmovit1,libmovit2] libmovit2 and libmovit1: error when trying to install
Bug reassi
Processing commands for
> # version tracking doesn't really work with multiple packages
> reassign 743308 gnat-4.6
Bug #743308 {Done: Nicolas Boulenguez }
[dh-ada-library,gnat-4.6-base] gnat-4.6-base and dh-ada-library: error when
trying to install together
Bug reassigne
Processing commands for
> # version tracking doesn't handle multiple packages very well
> # now that the fix is in, reassign to the source package, to make sure version
> # tracking understands what's going on
> reassign 741003 lz4 0.0~r109-1
Bug #741003 {Done: Nobuhiro Iw
Processing commands for
> notfixed 732139
Bug #732139 {Done: Thorsten Alteholz } [python-sfml] PNG
is not the preferred form for modification
No longer marked as fixed in versions
> thanks
Stopping processing here.
Please contact
Processing commands for
> found 715448 qpdf/4.2.0-1
Bug #715448 [libqpdf10] cups-filters: pdftopdf segfaults
Marked as found in versions qpdf/4.2.0-1.
> notfound 715448 qpdf/4.1.0-2
Bug #715448 [libqpdf10] cups-filters: pdftopdf segfaults
No longer marked as found in versi
Processing commands for
> found 561724 4:4.3.4-3
Bug #561724 {Done: Debian Qt/KDE Maintainers }
[kdebase-workspace-bin] kdebase-workspace-bin: crashes in HalPower::brightness
at startup
Did not alter found versions and reopened.
> notfound 561724 4:4.3.4-4
Bug #561724 [k
Processing commands for [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
> notfound 458481 57+dfsg-2
Bug#458481: kvm: Doesn't boot anymore, when using 58+dfsg-1 (but does with
Bug no longer marked as found in version 57+dfsg-2.
> found 458481 58+dfsg-1
Bug#458481: kvm: Doesn't boot anymore, when using 58+dfsg-1 (b
38 matches
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