Bug#807571: ocserv: fails to install due to insserv rejecting the script header

2015-12-15 Thread fishy
OK, found out that it's because in /lib/systemd/system/ocserv.socket, we have: --->8--- [Unit] Description=OpenConnect SSL VPN server Socket [Socket] ListenStream=443 ListenDatagram=443 BindIPv6Only=default Accept=false ReusePort=true [Install] WantedBy=sockets.target ---8<--- I

Bug#807571: ocserv: fails to install due to insserv rejecting the script header

2015-12-14 Thread fishy
A few more informations: I have port 443 occupied by nginx, so aptitude install or service ocserv start (after successful installation) will fail, but I have port 1443 instead of 443 in my /etc/ocserv/ocserv.conf file. If I stop nginx before install/start ocserv, it will work, and will listen on

Bug#807571: ocserv: fails to install due to insserv rejecting the script header

2015-12-14 Thread Yuxuan Wang
Package: ocserv Version: 0.10.7-1 Followup-For: Bug #807571 Dear Maintainer, /etc/init.d/ocserv from package ocserv always try to use port 443, despite that I have an /etc/ocserv/ocserv.conf file says otherwise Start it manually will work: /usr/sbin/ocserv --pid-file /var/run/ocserv.pid --confi

Bug#807571: ocserv: fails to install due to insserv rejecting the script header

2015-12-10 Thread Andreas Beckmann
Package: ocserv Version: 0.10.7-1 Severity: serious User: debian...@lists.debian.org Usertags: piuparts Hi, during a test with piuparts I noticed your package failed to install due to insserv rejecting the script header. Some notes are available from at https://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts >Fr