Bug#739251: iptables: Upgrade breaks existing rules (and is not documented)

2016-01-28 Thread Arturo Borrero Gonzalez
Control: fixed -1 1.6.0-2 Hi, there has been no modifications of the syntax from 1.4.21-2 onwars, so I guess we can consider 1.6.0-2 fixed (i.e, migrating from 1.4.21-2 to 1.6.0-2 should causes no issues). thanks, best regards. -- Arturo Borrero González

Bug#739251: iptables: Upgrade breaks existing rules (and is not documented)

2014-02-17 Thread Laurence J. Lane
iptables 1.4.8's iptables and iptables-restore give a warning[1] and its iptables-save writes the negation correctly. The ip6 variants do too. A package installation warning for wheezy sounds reasonable. [1] Using intrapositioned negation (`--option ! this`) is deprecated in favor of extraposition

Bug#739251: iptables: Upgrade breaks existing rules (and is not documented)

2014-02-16 Thread Leandro Adamson
Package: iptables Version: 1.4.14-3.1 Severity: grave Tags: security Justification: user security hole X-Debbugs-Cc: t...@security.debian.org, secure-testing-t...@lists.alioth.debian.org After a squeeze -> wheezy upgrade, iptables refuses to load rules that worked in squeeze and were generated usi