Bug#408262: patch + NMU

2007-01-31 Thread Bastian Venthur
Hi again, according to the announce on http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2006/09/msg00020.html we've currently ('till the release) the NMU-0 rule for bugs older than 7 days. So I've uploaded to DELAYED/0. Cheers, Bastian -- Bastian Venthur

Bug#408262: patch + NMU

2007-01-31 Thread Bastian Venthur
tags 408262 patch quit Hi, I've prepared a trivial patch which solves the problem. It simply adds adduser to the depends line. mpd runs now smoothly through piuparts. I'm not sure if you're MIA since your last activity is a few months ago, so I'm tempted to do an DELAYED/7 NMU immediately since