Bug#615018: Any updates?

2011-04-26 Thread Ruslan Tarasov
Hi. It is possible to build "evolution-mapi" on Debian Squeeze by using the sample workflow given on the following page: http://www.go-evolution.org/MAPIProvider#Download Just make sure to change the following line to checkout "openchange-0.9" branch instead. svn co svn://websvn.openchange.org/op

Bug#534103: dpatch

2009-06-30 Thread Ruslan Tarasov
Also the following patch that removes these lines could be used. remove-owner.dpatch Description: Binary data

Bug#476504: [pkg-nvidia-devel] Bug#476504: No way to compile NVIDIA with 2.6.25-2-686 kernel

2008-05-25 Thread Ruslan Tarasov
I had the same problem you have with 686 image. Actually there are two problems. 1. nvidia-kernel-source 169.12 is not compatible with kernel 2.6.25. 2. nvidia-kernel-source 169.12 is not compatible with XEN enabled kernels. So, you need to do the following to compile and install your kernel. 1.