Bug#707903: RFS: drgeo/1.1.0-10.3 [NMU, RC]

2017-04-21 Thread Patrick Hetu
drgeo is not in jessie and won't be in stretch, so there is no need to hurry with patching this upstream version from 2005. https://git.gnome.org/browse/archive/drgeo/log/ This looks very dead. #736535 mentions an active fork (that seems to be quite different). Yes, it use the pharo framework

Bug#707903: drgeo: Migrate to guile-2.0?

2017-04-16 Thread Patrick Hetu
user debian-rele...@lists.debian.org usertags bsp-2017-04-ca-montreal thanks Hi all, I was sad too to not have drgeo in Debian Edu so I've made this patch to make it compatible with Guile 2.0 and 2.2. It needs to run autoreconf so I added dh_autoreconf to the build phase in the rules file. A