Bug#553887: directvnc: should this package be removed?

2010-01-21 Thread Loris Boillet
Upstream is alive again! A new version of directvnc has been released (0.7.6), and I uploaded a package of it to mentors.debian.net. It closes 5 bugs and a bunch of lintian warnings; it's now waiting for a sponsor to be uploaded to debian. I guess this should allow this bug to be closed (when

Bug#553887: directvnc: should this package be removed?

2009-11-15 Thread Loris Boillet
Hello, Please give directvnc a chance to make it for squeeze. > * Dead/missing upstream. Situation is evolving (granted, quite slowly though). I agreed with directvnc author to take over the maintainance of the code, moved the code in github [0] and applied debian patches and some trivial fixes