Bug#868123: openvas-manager: openvas does not start scheduled scanned tasks correctly

2017-07-12 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Package: openvas-manager Version: 7.0.2-1 Severity: normal I have setup openvas I have logged in via greenbone web UI I have confifured a scan target, a shedule and a scan task The task runs corretly when lauched manually. The task fails to launch when the it os sheduled to run. the log file /va

Bug#1037171: aide: fresh aide package install fails to add the requried _aide user to system

2023-06-06 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Package: aide Version: 0.18.3-1 Severity: serious Justification: 5.d Dear Maintainer, A fresh aide package install on debina buster fails to add the requried _aide user to system. This block the ability to run 'aideinit' script. While this is mentioned in /usr/share/doc/aide-common/README.Debia

Bug#487206: audacious: Audacious fails to detect ogg and MP3 file lengths and to play music

2008-06-20 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Package: audacious Version: 1.5.0-2 Severity: important when audacious is launched,it does not detect the lentgths of mp3 or ogg files at all and hows length as 00:00. Also fails to play music. same files can eb played with mpg123 or ogg123 correctly. -- System Information: Debian Release: le

Bug#491615: audacious 1.5.1-1 (lenny) fails with a Segmentation fault on startup

2008-07-20 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Package: audacious Version: 1.5.1-1 Severity: important -- command lne information [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ audacious amidi-plug(amidi-plug.c:amidiplug_init:97): init, read configuration amidi-plug(i_backend.c:i_backend_load:107): loading backend '/usr/lib/audacious/Input/amidi-plug/ap-alsa.so' amid

Bug#480353: wmaker: keyboard shortcuts are removed from users local config

2008-05-09 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Package: wmaker Version: 0.92.0-7 Severity: important Hi there. I have a properly set ~/GNUstep/Defaults/WindowMaker file and it hold all of my session and theme data correctly but windowmaker on start reprots the following information: Xsession: X session started for tmc at Sat May 10 00:18:42

Bug#93810: AEST vs EST

2009-02-26 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Hi all I just wanted to point out that having libc6 time zone data report australian dates and times as EST and not as AEST leads to erroneous behaviour in zope and several other web application engines. Cheers Tomasz -- Tomasz M. Ciolek *

Bug#991230: java-package: Builidng on debian bullseye causes 'warning: Compatibility levels before 10 are deprecated (level 9 in use)' in multiple steps

2021-07-18 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Package: java-package Version: 0.62 Severity: normal Dear Maintainer, When running on a Debian 11.0 system the following wearnign are seen durig package build: user@host:~$ make-jpkg jre-8u291-linux-x64.tar.gz Creating temporary directory: /tmp/make-jpkg.rolLDD8qxm Loading plugins: /usr/share

Bug#881449: fail2ban: postfix-sasl jail crashes on trying to ban ip address

2017-11-11 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Package: fail2ban Version: 0.9.6-2 Severity: important Fail2ban postfix-sasl jail crashes when trying to ban an IP address: Failed to execute ban jail 'postfix-sasl' action 'iptables-multiport' info 'CallingMap({'time': 1510389716.3446894, 'ip failures': . at 0x7fb8d058a950>, 'ipjailmatches':

Bug#898458: debsecan reports packages as vulnerbale after upgarde to newer/higher release

2018-05-11 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Package: debsecan Version: 0.4.19~deb9u1 Severity: normal Dear Maintainer, This has been bugging me for a while. debsecan shows the following package as being vulnerable and having updates available to fix the issue: *** Available security updates CVE-2017-15908 In systemd 223 through 235, a

Bug#951615: geoipupdate: when geoipupdare runs it fails to update databases from cron or command line

2020-02-18 Thread Tomasz Ciolek
Package: geoipupdate Version: 3.1.1-1 Severity: normal Dear Maintainer, when geoipupdate runs it fails to update databases: sudo /usr/bin/geoipupdate -v geoipupdate 3.1.1 Opened License file /etc/GeoIP.conf Insert edition_id GeoLite2-Country Insert edition_id GeoLite2-City Read in license key /