Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Sune Vuorela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: kde-windeco-powder
Version : 0.6
Upstream Author : Remi Villatel
* URL :
* License : GPL
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Sune Vuorela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: comixcursors
Version : 0.3.2
Upstream Author : Jens Luetkens
* URL :
* License : GPL
Description : X11
reopen 286205 !
retitle 286205 ITP: kde-style-comix -- Comix flat style for KDE
thanks bts
Asked Marcin some weeks ago wether he still was interested in this. I got
answer today that I could take over packaging of this, so I will do.
with a
Package: kwin-baghira
Version: 0.7a-1+b1
Severity: normal
The network button in the baghira sidebar tries to use the lan:/
kio_slave which is part of the lisa package.
Lisa is not recommenden for kwin-baghira. That could be one approach to
solve this.
Another approach could be let the network bu
tag 345833 + patch
I just patched my sidebar. It was not that complex ;)
It works at least for me. I think the remote:/ is a better solution than
depending on lisa, because
1) remote:/ gives access to smb:/ and lan:/ if installed
2) remote:/ is in kdebase-kio-plugins which is unavoidable
Package: kwin-baghira
Version: 0.7a-1
Severity: wishlist
Tags: experimental patch
The configure script checks if it is building against kde3.4 or not. It
mostly looks like a bad way to avoid building the sidebar on a kde3.3
I tried to hack the check to also accept kde3.5 and everything seems to
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Sune Vuorela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: kommando
Version : 0.2
Upstream Author : Daniel Stoeckel
* URL :
* License : GPL
Description : A whee
Package: xscreensaver
Version: 4.21-3
Severity: normal
I try to use WebCollage, but xscreensaver complaints about a missing
I manually set up a symlink to /usr/share/dict/words and now stuff
works. Perhaps the postinst should set it up?
sudo ln -s /usr/share/dict/words /usr/dict
On Saturday 04 June 2005 21:26, you wrote:
> Webcollage looks for any of "/usr/dict/words", "/usr/share/dict/words",
> or "/usr/share/lib/dict/words"; there is no need for a symlink.
My installation didn't work until I manually made the symlink.
Something must be wrong.
Package: kvim-python
Version: 1:6.3-067+2
Severity: normal
the newest vim-package in sarge is 6.3-068+4 - and kvim-python depends on
This will remove kvim-python on apt-get dist-upgrade:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Reading Package Lists... Done
Building Dependen
Package: kopete
Version: 4:3.4.2-3
Severity: important
When trying to send a icq message to some persons, kopete
disconnects me from icq and then crashes:Segmentation Fault.
The backtrace are here:
(no debugging symbols found)
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/tls/".
(no deb
Package: ksynaptics
Version: 0.2.0-1
Followup-For: Bug #301274
The same problem (and solution) does apply to ksynaptics in sid after the
right now, in sid, ksynaptics is uninstallable and unbuildable.
-- System Information:
Debian Release: unstable/experimental
APT pr
tag 399059 +pending
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: rev 5171 - trunk/packages/kdebase/debian
Date: Thursday 21 December 2006 19:31
From: Sune Vuorela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author: pusling-guest
Date: 2006-12-21 19:31:10 +0100 (Thu, 21 Dec 200
tag 399235 +pending
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: rev 5172 - trunk/packages/kdeedu/debian
Date: Thursday 21 December 2006 19:37
From: Sune Vuorela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author: pusling-guest
Date: 2006-12-21 19:37:01 +0100 (Thu, 21 Dec 200
tag 403741 +pending
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: rev 5173 - trunk/packages/kdeaccessibility/debian
Date: Thursday 21 December 2006 19:41
From: Sune Vuorela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Author: pusling-guest
Date: 2006-12-21 19:41:53 +0100 (Thu,
On Thursday 21 December 2006 14:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The problem of kmail crashing when trying to save a message with 3 or more
> big attachments to the drafts folder always happens. With the latest
> available version of the kmail (kdepim) Debian package - 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-2.
Please tell
On Friday 22 December 2006 05:07, Adam Porter wrote:
> Package: kdepim
> Version: 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-4
> Severity: serious
> Justification: no longer builds from source
I can't reproduce it - and none of the autobuilders have been able to
reproduce it.
> ~/Temp/src/temp/kdepim-3.5.5.dfsg.1/admin$ per
On Friday 22 December 2006 09:50, Adam Porter wrote:
> On Friday 22 December 2006 02:33, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> > How is your perl?
> > Do you have autoconf2.13 installed?
> $ acp autoconf2.13
> autoconf2.13:
> Installed: 2.13-58
> Candidate: 2.13-58
> V
On Thursday 28 December 2006 20:20, Patrick Matthäi wrote:
> Hm, first it crashed, now it asked again and again if it should add
> these extensions and I think after 1-2 clicks, that should be enough.
I don't furlly understand what you are saying here.
You can't get it crash any more or ?
tag 404905 +wontfix
> Attached is a patch from Frank Osterfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> that lets
> the user choose custom colors for the article list widget. This is very
> helpful when using a light-on-dark color scheme, because the default red
> and blue can be hard to read on a dark backgro
On Sunday 31 December 2006 01:02, Robert Gomułka wrote:
> *** Please type your report below this line ***
> I have noticed this bug for the first time today, after upgrading to
> 3.3.7-2, however I don't know if it is related. I run java applet from
> games website. I clicked on
On Wednesday 17 January 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Package: konqueror
> Version: 4:3.5.5a.dfsg.1-5
> Severity: normal
> If I try to open an URL with kfmclient (like kopete does when I click a
> link someone IM-ed to me), it looks like it forks the process
> infinitely.
that's weird. I don'
On Friday 19 January 2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The following is an extract from the kdebase-data changelog. The change
> mentionned here has not been applied in desktop-base. As a consequence, the
> debian-kde_default.png.desktop is no longer available neither in testing,
> nor in unstable.
On Friday 19 January 2007, Bastian Venthur wrote:
> please consider the following patch. It disables DIMAP by simply
> removing the DIMAP option when creating a new account, making it
> impossible to create a new DIMAP account. Regular IMAP is still
> perfectly possible.
As dimap works when you kn
On Saturday 21 October 2006, Yann Dirson wrote:
> Package: kig
> Version: 4:3.5.4-2
> Severity: wishlist
> The included help points to the API doc, as available online at
> It seems to be generated from the code, so should be easy to ship
found 389108 2.7.5-4
Hi ana!
I still see yakuake in lost and found.
doing the following makes it end up the right place:
--- yakuake/src/yakuake.desktop.orig2007-01-21 12:11:56.0 +0100
+++ yakuake/src/yakuake.desktop 2007-01-21 12:12:23.0 +0100
@@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ Com
On Sunday 21 January 2007, Tobias Lorenz wrote:
> I found, that the current /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc specifies an
> option "Preloader=/usr/bin/preloadkde". Why don't we use this option? This
> could probably speed up KDE after login.
> Unfortunately I did not find this script in Debian, so I searched
On Sunday 21 January 2007, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> As noted in the merged bugs, this breaks all theming and all
> configuration of kdm. The Control Center module for kdm is completely
> broken by this; so are the packages kde-kdm-themes and kdmtheme.
well.. the only thing the change does is tha
severity 408002 normal
tags 408002 +unreproducible moreinfo
> On amd64, Konqueror frequently fails to launch or occasionally freezes
> up completely while it's already running. In either case, it's becase
> konqueror is blocking forever trying to read file descriptor 8.
> Killing kded and
On Monday 22 January 2007, Michael Holtermann wrote:
> Package: kmail
> Version: 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-6
> Severity: normal
> Hi!
> When I exit KDE, KMail crashes very often, producing the attached
> stacktrace.
thanks for your report. it is forwarded upstream to
tag 407849 +moreinfo
On Monday 22 January 2007, Tobias Lorenz wrote:
> I must consist, on my Debian Testing with preload and prelink, I can't feel
> any difference with or without preloadkde. I run linux- on an
> PentiumM 2.00 GHz (2MB Cache) ThinkPad with 512 MB Memory.
> Neverth
On Wednesday 24 January 2007, Torquil Macdonald Sørensen wrote:
> Package: kdelibs4c2a
> Version: 4:3.5.5a.dfsg.1-5
> Followup-For: Bug #408113
> I was able to get the background working again by deleting all the
> Desktop0Screen0, Desktop1Screen0, Desktop1Screen0 ... sections, and
> the "Backgro
On Wednesday 24 January 2007, Torquil Macdonald Sørensen wrote:
> Hello,
> Yes, I could reproduce it easily. Here are the steps, starting from a
> working configuration:
Thanks for your quick guide to reproduce it.
I think I_have found it in kde bugzilla:
On Monday 15 January 2007, Bob Vincent wrote:
> Sorry; no new information.
So you don't know wether you
1) experiece it anymore
2) don't experience it anymore
3) which versions you experience/don't experience it any more
4) Does it hurt any functionality or does it just put stuff
in .xsessio
On Wednesday 24 January 2007, Benjamin Peter wrote:
> Hi,
> I got the date working but still don't think this is the right
> behaviour. When right clicking on the clock you have to choose
> Show Timezone -> Local timezone and the date is displayed again.
I actually think that this is done t
On Wednesday 24 January 2007, Ken Bloom wrote:
> /var/tmp/kdecache-bloom to no avail. I could try moving the whole .kde
> directory out of the way to see what happens.
Yes please - or try with a new user.
I cannot ping the file to the firewall, how does it work?
From X-Windows 94 you n
On Tuesday 23 January 2007, Vassilii Khachaturov wrote:
> Package: konqueror
> Version: 4:3.5.5a.dfsg.1-2
> Followup-For: Bug #252620
> Sure, I understand your concerns. I'm not complaining at all,
> actually, I feel a bit uncomfortable myself having not debugged
> it further to the point of a su
On Thursday 11 January 2007, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
> > - or if you have extra information on how reproduce this bug.
> Maybe that is the same bug I encounter a similar problem on a desktop
> system of my sister. (I have no online access to that machine.) On start
> simply the keyboard is not usable
tag 403681 +moreinfo
On Tuesday 19 December 2006, Ronny Standtke wrote:
> There seem to be some changes in current Linux releases that are
> breaking KPilot.
Yes. Is it fixed in the newest version in etch ?
Genius, I'm not able to install on the IRC login, how does it work?
You ca
Hi Marc!
is it the debian themed kdm theme you are talking about in this bug report ?
Genius, I cannot receive the connector, how does it work?
From X-Windows 94 you must reconfigure a digital 3D wordprocessor for
cancelling a proxy.
Description: PGP signature
+ * QA upload.
+ * Add depends on update-inetd (Closes: 408240)
+ * Guard update-inetd calls in postrm
+ -- Sune Vuorela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thu, 25 Jan 2007 14:23:16 +0100
ffingerd (1.28-6) unstable; urgency=low
* Orphaning package. (closes: #390864)
diff -u ffi
On Thursday 25 January 2007, J�Pfennig wrote:
> Package: kmail
> Version: 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-4
> Severity: normal
> kmails newest feature is to crash (without being touched) 1...2 minutes
> after being launched. The behaviour is reproducable. Backtrace #1:
> (no debugging symbols found)
> (no debug
On Monday 11 December 2006 22:10, you wrote:
> Upon startup kdvi crashes, and if embedded in another KDE application
> causes that application to crash, as well. When starting kdvi from
> xterminal I get following error messages:
I am currently unable to reproduce this under any normal condit
On Tuesday 12 December 2006 10:09, you wrote:
> No entries appear in kcontrol and kinfocentre -- the textboxes are blank
> and they issue (kcontrol): kcontrol: WARNING: No K menu group with
> X-KDE-BaseGroup=settings found ! Defaulting to Settings/ and (kinfocenter):
> kcminfo: WARNING: No K menu g
usertag 402891 +fixed-kde3.5.6
On Wednesday 13 December 2006 13:17, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> KMail Tagging Patch can be a great help to life of people dealing with
> hundreds of mails everyday.
> Can we have it included untill KDE4 includes it ?
> h
On Wednesday 13 December 2006 15:11, Johannes Wolter wrote:
> Package: kde-style-serenity
> Version: 1.4-1
> Severity: wishlist
> 1.6.0 brings performance improvements and new features.
Yes. This is known and will happen shortly after etch is released.
How to load the submenu?
On Saturday 16 December 2006 12:44, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> The removed text is needed in order to allow people to check the original
> version information and Copyright for all relevent files using the what(1)
> command.
Until this bug, I had no clue about that what(1) existed. It does also on
I have also just experiened this:
device-mapper: table ioctl failed: No such device or address
Fatal: device-mapper: dm_task_run(DM_DEVICE_TABLE) failed
What I did: install etch with root-on-lvm from the rc1 installer.
Boot up. dist-upgrade to newest etch (udev 103, kernel 2.6.18-something...
Package: ghextris
Version: 0.9.0-1.2
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable
$ ghextris
bash: /usr/games/ghextris: /usr/bin/python2.3: bad interpreter: No such file or
$ head /usr/games/ghextris
$ apt-cache show ghextris | grep ^Dep
Depends: python,
reopen 403097
found 403097 4:3.3.2-1
On Thursday 21 December 2006 02:15, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Sorry, I don'r understand your message. Can you explain?
> (I'm just checking that 403097 is the number of the bug you *wanted*
> to close. Sometimes people make typo in bug number!)
> regar
On Thursday 21 December 2006 01:44, erlk ozlr wrote:
> This means the configuration files must be placed in /var/run/kdm (I
> tried and it worked as I wanted), I think this is a very bad thing
> according to
> Maybe there is a very good reason I ignore but else this seems grave !
Please read
Package: kmail
Version: 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-1
Severity: serious
Tags: security patch
Justification: makes program unusable because of input from internet
When recieving a email with special formatted email headers, kmail locks
up in 15-30 minutes without responding. Killing is possible, but kmail
tag 385518 +moreinfo unreproducible
I cannot reproduce this. Comparing with your akregator bug about same problem
( I somehow think
that you have a weird setup.
Please provide more info if you still see these bugs.
Man, ho
tag 342813 +moreinfo unreproducible
I cannot reproduce this. Please provide more info about your setup.
And for backtraces, please install qt-x11-free-dbg kdelibs-dbg and kdebase-dbg
to get a backtrace that might be useful.
How might I do for resetting the attachment?
On Saturday 02 December 2006 15:42, John Goerzen wrote:
> Yes. It seems to be that I am ripping a CD from a drive other than
> the one that /dev/cdrom points to. I have two optical drives in my
> machine, and usually use the other one to rip.
hmm. Weird.
What device does your kaudiocreator clai
Package: audacious-dev
Version: 1.2.2-1
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ls -la /usr/lib/
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 17 2006-12-02 20:59 /usr/lib/ ->
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ file !$
file /usr/lib/
severity 401353 grave
> That's why I downgraded severity and will just make audacious-dev
> recommands audacious.
Re-upgrading. Package is still useless. Read also policy 8.4.
(And 'HE' also says upgrade severity again)
How might I doubleclick the directory over the code?
tag 253275 +moreinfo unreproducible
> Ark will crash if I use a relative path ./folder , but works OK if I use
> fullpath /path/to/folder . KDE Crash Handler says it crashes with Signal
Please provide all the steps, file types and other things you do to get this.
> Here is ex
On Monday 04 December 2006 12:50, Teemu Likonen wrote:
> Fixed udev package still isn't in Etch because of the freeze. I haven't
> seen any discussion on the matter in the debian-release list archives.
> Has anyone contacted?
I believe udev maintainer and release team are on top of this - it just
tag 291056 +moreinfo unreproducible
I cannot reproduce this behaviour in the newest versions.
Does it still happen to you? If so, please provide detailed steps on how to
Genius, I'm not able to debug the mouse, how does it work?
You neither should reset the fire
version: 4:3.5.2-2
This is fixed for etch.
Man, do you know how might I do for telnetting from the FPU?
You should never boot a login.
Description: PGP signature
tag 321660 +moreinfo unreproducible
I cannot reproduce this behaviour. If it still applies, please provide
detailed steps on how to reproduce.
How to boot with a periferic from Netscape XP?
You should cancel the login of the case for doubleclicking the MIDI line.
Can you try provide the backtrace from kcrash as well with kdebase-dbg
kdelibs-dbg installed?
How to ping to the display over a SCSI mailer?
You have to click with a virus.
Description: PGP signature
tag #302236 +moreinfo
I do currently not see this. Does it still apply?
There is now -dbg packages available to provide debugging symbols of the crash
(kdebase-dbg kdelibs-dbg) - please install those to get a useful backtrace,
if the bug still applies
How can I turn on
tag 285028 +moreinfo unreproducible
Does this still happen for you in newest versions?
I just successfully exported a contact and got the email-address.
How can I do for cancelling the printer from Netscape?
You should cancel the pointer in order to save from the PCI prin
Hi (mostly to the maintainers)
is deprecated in html4.01 and not supported in xhtml1.0 strict
I don't know how much time this bug needs - maybe wontfix ?
Man, how may I uninstall on the microkernel from the control folder menu
within ICQ XP?
You neither should boot the miditower, nor
tag 386451 +moreinfo unreproducible
I cannot on that page make the browser crash - either the steps to reproduce
are not sufficiently detailed, the page has changed or the bug is no longer
Can you provide better information on how to reproduce?
How to disconnect
tag 275098 +moreinfo unreproducible
I nicely see previews from all my jpg photos. Does this still apply?
IF yes, the bug log provides some info about what settings you might have
Do you know how to receive a bus to the POP CPU to the jumper?
First of all you eithe
tag 282279 +moreinfo unreproducible
I do not see this anymore (and the bug was reported around when there was
lock-up/freeze problems around fam) so there is a big chance that this is
Are you still able to reproduce it ?
Man, how can I do for removing from the fron
tag 355017 +moreinfo unreproducible
I have tried reproducing this, but it does not crash for me.
Either the descriptions on how to reproduce are inaccurate or the bug has been
Does it still apply? If so, please provide a more detailed description on how
to reproduce.
I meet too many 'joe average' regularily who expects their desktop environment
to ship with something to create webpages - I don't consider this as a
bug - and I will probably tag it wontfix next time I_get around it unless
someone (not the submitter) speaks up.
reassign 401861 meta-kde-extras
I currently do not see the need for such a package - but if it should be
built, it should be build off meta-kde-extras - and only contain k3b and
kaffeine and maybe amarok.
k3b because there is no other alternative in kde
amarok because it is very
I agree with ZhengPeng Hou that kdm is not a part of the 'nucleus' of kde -
as the minimal package set to run a kde dekstop. KDM is not a part of this.
Unless someone loudly disagree in the next couple of days, I am will tag
this 'wontfix'
Description: PGP signature
tag 355017 -unreproducible moreinfo
tag 355017 +confirmed upstream
forward 355017
usertag +konqueror-filemanager
On Thursday 07 December 2006 17:38, Raúl Sánchez Siles wrote:
> Upstream is better explained. I forg
#unrelated issue
notfound 189553 4:3.5.1-1
tag 189553 +moreinfo unreproducible
I can not by any means reproduce this - and I use kdesktop_lock quite often.
As it is a issue reproted long ago there is a big chance that it is already
Is it still reproducible? If yes, I would li
On Thursday 04 January 2007 17:46, Andreas und Daniela Dietel wrote:
> Package: kde kdebase kdm
> Version: 3.5.5-1
> Package: xserver-xorg-video-savage
> Version: 2.1.2-1
try upgrade to the savage driver in unstable.
Do you know how can I overclock the TCP/IP hardware from Office X
On Friday 05 January 2007 01:31, David Moreno Garza wrote:
> python2.3 ./ clean --all
> python2.4 ./ clean --all
> -rm -f *-stamp*
> In the other parts of the makefile, python is called as python $*.
> Similar thing should be done here to fix the bug.
I j
tag 384607 +moreinfo
Did it only happen once? or can you reproduce it?
I have tried poking a bit around with pdf files on different servers, but I
don't seem to be able to provoke a crash.
If it only happen once and is unrepreducible, I think we can close it.
Man, how to
On Saturday 06 January 2007 23:53, Joaquim Ortega-Cerd wrote:
> Since version 4:3.5.5.dfsg.1-2 kmail stopped treating correctly my name in
> the header. The last à in my last name is lost (strangely enough if I write
> it not in the last position of my name in the profile it works without
> proble
On Sunday 07 January 2007 09:00, Ana Guerrero wrote:
> Thanks for the info. I just found out this option is offered in the Control
> Center if you have installed kde-guidance, so i'm reasssigning the bug to
> this package.
I have looked into this bug quickly.
It seems to be the following:
tag 404259 +moreinfo
On Friday 22 December 2006 23:00, Florian Laws wrote:
> ---
> There was an error loading kdeprint_lpd. The diagnostic is:
> Library files for "" not found in paths.
> ---
hm... something must be referencing somewhere on your system,
but we nee
On Sunday 07 January 2007 20:44, Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà wrote:
> Yes it is latin1() now. I saw your previous commit when it was local8Bit().
> It doesn't work either way. I have tried both. My system is utf-8. In any
> case I am not sure that this is worth fixing. I think that in the headers
> one is
tag 406005 +pending
On Sunday 07 January 2007 22:20, Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà wrote:
> Since January 3 kdepim fails to build from source. It build-depends on
> libmal-dev and the package libmal has been removed from the archive.
> According to
On Sunday 07 January 2007 23:44, Florian Laws wrote:
> This finds only, not
Something somewhere must reference this file.
(I can't reproduce this)
What about under /usr/local ?
Do you know how may I do for inserting on the to
Package: debbugs
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
The current toggle_infmessages function does not work in at least
(konqueror do not seem to have
document.styleSheets.styles.cssRules.cssText )
This proposed function does it a bit different:
function toggle_infmessages()
tag 364737 +wontfix
Upstream has closed this as 'wontfix' with the following reasoning:
--quote start--
600 pixels high is quite uncommon these days. You can move the dialog by
pressing Alt while clicking the left mouse button, such that the buttons
below will appear.
--quote end--
reassign 406044 xserver-xorg-core
> In my Debian Unstable kdm sometimes after login in kde environment crash
> and reset X; after that I need to login again.
> Backtrace:
> 0: /usr/bin/X(xf86SigHandler+0x84) [0x80c4354]
> 1: [0xb7f5a420]
> 2: /usr/bin/X(Dispatch+0x81) [0x8086b91]
> 3:
On Monday 08 January 2007 16:12, Reuben Thomas wrote:
> > You can move the dialog by pressing Alt while clicking the left mouse
> > button, such that the buttons below will appear.
> That's how I deal with pathological cases. I was rather hoping kpackage
> could be improved.
As I reported it ups
unmerge 350851
close 350851
unmerge 406258
forwarded 332473
Hi Bastian
It seems like different bugs you are trying to refer to - and let us keep the
issues seperate instead of a giant metabug "kmail is a piece of shit" where
all info is posted.
tag 257739 +moreinfo unreproducible
I think I have a similar setup here at home and I do not see this bug.
Do you still experience this ? If yes, please provide more info about your
I cannot close a GUI, how does it work?
You neither should cancel a provider, nor s
tag 258134 +moreinfo unreproducible
here konsolekalendar seems to work. Do you still experince segmentation fault
on startup? if yes, please provide some more info about your configurations.
I cannot load the bus of a wordprocessor to a utility of the application over
tag 298175 +moreinfo
Umbrello has been thru quite some updates. Does this still apply?
Man, how might I mount the directory on the connector of a Ultra-wide
controller from Office and from Photoshop?
You need to enable a GUI to insert in a LCD TCP port.
tag 351637 +moreinfo unreproducible
I do not see this bug. Does it still apply with newest versions ?
The attached backtrace is useless. If you are able to reproduce, please
install the kdebase-dbg-package to make a good backtrace.
I cannot turn off the folder, how does it
tag 307353 +moreinfo unreproducible
I do easy log into kde from kdm and cannot reproduce tihs (quite old) issue.
Does it still apply to you?
Man, how to disable the program of the CPU over a attachment from ICQ XP?
First you either can't boot the window, or should insert a
tag 348745 +moreinfo
Quite some stuff has been changed recently in kwins handling of transient
stuff. Does this bug still apply ?
Do you know how to get access over the line from AutoCAD 3.6 or from Excel NT?
You can't ping the operating system.
tag 306171 +moreinfo unreproducible
I have tried reproducing it according to your description, but I can't. As it
is a quite old bug, there is a big chance that it is fixed - are you still
able to reproduce it?
I cannot insert in a sendmail from the control file men
tag 295039 +moreinfo
Does you still experience this with newer quanta versions?
Man, do you know how might I do for logging in the button from Windows?
You neither must reinstall a forward, nor should forward to the jumper over
the graphic SMTP back-end on the anal
On Thursday 11 January 2007 21:08, Rob Walker wrote:
> However, I still think this is a bug as this option is not set by default
> and less experienced users will not know how to fix it. It's either in the
> xkb rules (as they suggest altwin:super_win is the default), the debian X
> config genera
On Thursday 11 January 2007 22:58, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> To clarify, I have set up LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/jni which is needed
> for some java programs to properly work in .bash_profile in $HOME. When
> starting KDE via startkde from a tty its still set inside KDE's konsole
> shell. Howeve
On Friday 12 January 2007 01:27, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Thats actually wrong. See /etc/kde3/kdm/Xsession, it does read
> .bash_profile and thus it properly sets any other environment variables
> I set in .bash_profile
You are right.
Now I instead wonder why it works for you when you launch kde
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