Bug#825201: debian 2.4 - mysqlnd_ms not loading

2016-05-24 Thread FLORENT Philippe
Package: mysqlnd_ms Version: 1.6.0-1+b1 Load balancer plugin for php does not work and reports a symbol missing on debian 2.4 with the most basic config Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20131226/mysqlnd_ms.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20131226/mysqlnd_ms.so: undefined symbol: mysqlnd_global

Bug#827276: cannot install snmp-mibs-downloaders

2016-06-14 Thread FLORENT Philippe
Package: snmp-mibs-downloader Version: I cannot install snmp-mibs-downloader Installation: Added "deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian main non-free" to /etc/apt/sources.list "sudo apt-get update" gave this error W: Failed to fetch http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/main/non-free/

Bug#864277: rsyslog not writing to log sockets on debian 8.5

2017-06-06 Thread FLORENT Philippe
Package: rsyslog Version: 8.4.2-1+deb8u2 Debian : 8.5 Bug: rsyslog does not log any sftp activity even when configured properly /etc/rsyslog.d/sftp.conf module(load="imuxsock") input(type="imuxsock" Socket="/var/ftp/userA/dev/log" CreatePath="on") input(type="imuxsock" Socket="/var

Bug#833509: phpmyadmin

2016-08-05 Thread FLORENT Philippe
Package: phpmyadmin Version: 4.2.12 Debian 2.5 (request for update or infos to do it manually) 1- Clicking on the user tabs gives: "Your privilege table structure seems to be older than this MySQL version!" 2- Clicking on the "new database" option gives: "SELECT

Bug#838371: many bugs on phpmyadmin with mysql 5.7

2016-09-20 Thread FLORENT Philippe
Package: phpmyadmin Version: 4.2.12-2+deb/u1 Debian : 2.5 Bug: phpmyadmin (users tabs) does not display any user, just the message: Your privilege table structure seems to be older than this MySQL version! Please run the mysql_upgrade command(mysql_fix_privilege_tables on older systems) that s

Bug#838371: many bugs on phpmyadmin with mysql 5.7

2016-09-20 Thread FLORENT Philippe
4.4.1 https://github.com/phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin/commit/f3b7d693ec83c076a4e407907d4f99cd133f62b3 how can I install version 4.4.1 on debian ? -Original Message- From: Michal Čihař [mailto:mic...@cihar.com] Sent: mardi 20 septembre 2016 15:33 To: FLORENT Philippe; 838

Bug#831876: When sending a mail to a local machine user, I get “Unroutable address” in exim logs

2016-07-20 Thread FLORENT Philippe
Package: exim4 Version: 4.84.2-1 Debian: 8.5 Related ? : #626011 Bug : When sending a mail to a local machine user, I get “Unroutable address” in exim logs How to : echo “mail body” | mail -s "subject" remoteuser@remotemachine Details: nsswitch.conf: ... hosts: files dns ..