Bug#792473: cups: After updating to 2.0.3-6 in testing cups interface no longer works

2015-07-15 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 15 Jul 2015 07:09:47 +0100 John Talbut wrote: > After the recent update Firefox can't establish a connection to the > server at localhost:631. Also, LibreOffice only shows a generic > printer but other packages (Firefox, Mousepad) print OK. I've seen this myself. There's a simple work

Bug#792473: cups: After updating to 2.0.3-6 in testing cups interface no longer works

2015-07-19 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 19 Jul 2015 10:51:30 +0100 Brian Potkin wrote: > That doesn't look very healthy but I don't know what significance it > has in the context of this report. My system shows "Active: active > (waiting)". Brian, for comparison, this is what I get; $ systemctl status cups cups.socket cups.p

Bug#792473: cups: After updating to 2.0.3-6 in testing cups interface no longer works

2015-07-19 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sun, 19 Jul 2015 13:01:52 +0200 Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote: Hello Didier, >Sorry to say it so bluntly, but running cups as root is the wrong cupsd can't be run as a regular user (here, at least) - it requires root privileges. Once up, everything performs as it should for non-root users. >

Bug#792473: cups: After updating to 2.0.3-6 in testing cups interface no longer works

2015-07-20 Thread Brad Rogers
On Mon, 20 Jul 2015 11:04:21 +0200 MAG4 Piemonte wrote: Hello, >We have some clients running Testing and comparing the cups* running >processes we found that every client has > >/usr/sbin/cups-browsed That isn't installed here. {time passes} After installing the package cups-browsed and reboo

Bug#871917: hplip-gui: hp-toolbox will not start

2017-08-12 Thread Brad Rogers
Package: hplip-gui Version: 3.17.7+repack0-2 Severity: important Dear Maintainer, Since upgrading to v3.17.7+repack0-2 hp-toolbox fails to start, wether from SysTray, Menu or Shell. Attempts to run from shell give the following output; HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.17.7) HP Devi

Bug#871917: hplip-gui: hp-toolbox will not start

2017-08-12 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 12 Aug 2017 11:27:18 -0300 Till Kamppeter wrote: Hello Till, >Bug reported upstream to HP (and to Ubuntu) as: >https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/hplip/+bug/1710378 I missed that. Thanks for the info.

Bug#871917: hplip-gui: hp-toolbox will not start

2017-08-12 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 12 Aug 2017 12:15:20 -0400 Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote: Hello Didier, >Thanks for the log. YW >That's actually 'serious', and hplip should not IMHO migrate to testing >with that bug. It's already in testing - it's from there that I got the upgrade. Maybe I was not explicit on that poi

Bug#958959: vice desktop file is missing the (additional) category 'Game' and 'Emulator''

2023-05-06 Thread Brad Rogers
I can confirm that 'odd' placement happens as a result of this (all emulators are placed in 'Lost & Found' in KDE/Plasma. A little surprised that this seems to have been forgotten, despite there being a trivial fix. -- Regards _ "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}" / )

Bug#445864: GTKSpell issue

2007-10-09 Thread Brad Rogers
Yes, Alex's workaround solves the problem here, under Debian Testing. Thanks for the help. -- Regards _ / ) "The blindingly obvious is / _)radnever immediately apparent" Two sides to every story Public Image - Public Image Ltd signature.asc Description: PG

Bug#953104: hplip: After upgrade to version 3.20.2 of hplip, nothing can be printed

2020-03-04 Thread Brad Rogers
Package: hplip Version: 3.19.12+dfsg0-4 Severity: important Dear Maintainer, Running Debian Testing. After upgrading to v3.20.2 of hplip, my system could no longer print anything. Print jobs were being sent to the printer (display panel illuminated to indicate something was communicating with th

Bug#953104: hplip: After upgrade to version 3.20.2 of hplip, nothing can be printed

2020-03-05 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 19:23:52 + Brian wrote: Hello Brian, >Brad, we did not use all the tools we have at our disposal. Read > https://wiki.debian.org/CUPSDebugging#The_CUPS_Error_Log >and get an idea of where we are going. Now Attached is the compressed error log. A search for 'fail' result

Bug#953104: hplip: After upgrade to version 3.20.2 of hplip, nothing can be printed

2020-03-05 Thread Brad Rogers
On Thu, 5 Mar 2020 21:01:04 + Brian wrote: Hello Brian, >It is not of very much use I'm afraid, Brad. It is devoid of detail. For >example, it doesn't refer to what filters are used. I have no idea what >is happenning. I tried again, with log level set to debug2. That too, showed no filter

Bug#953104: hplip: After upgrade to version 3.20.2 of hplip, nothing can be printed

2020-03-06 Thread Brad Rogers
The same problem seems to have arisen in Arch Linux; https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/65697 Thanks to Curt on D-U for bringing that report to my attention. -- Regards _ / ) "The blindingly obvious is / _)radnever immediately apparent" What the hell has this

Bug#953104: hplip: After upgrade to version 3.20.2 of hplip, nothing can be printed

2020-03-06 Thread Brad Rogers
On Fri, 6 Mar 2020 19:08:33 + Brian Potkin wrote: Hello Brian, >An upstream issue I would think. That's the thinking at Arch Linux, too. They've added a 'report upstream' comment, IIRC. Again, thanks for your time. -- Regards _ / ) "The blindingly obvious is

Bug#953104: Upstream issue link?

2020-03-07 Thread Brad Rogers
On Sat, 7 Mar 2020 08:30:07 -0500 sixerjman wrote: > Has a problem been opened with HPLIP upstream? If so is there a link > to the issue page? Yes. Reported just prior to message #56. Direct link https://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/+bug/1866291 -- Regards _ / ) "The blindin

Bug#903667: [clawsker] Silently aborts on startup

2018-07-12 Thread Brad Rogers
Package: clawsker Version: 1.1.1-1 Severity: normal Tags: patch Clawsker silently aborts on start up when called from KDE's application menu. When started from command line the following is printed to console before quitting; The encoding pragma is no longer supported at /usr/local/bin/clawsker

Bug#891832: libetpan-dev: Libetpan-dev depends on transitional package libidn2-0-dev

2018-03-01 Thread Brad Rogers
Package: libetpan-dev Version: 1.8.0-1 Severity: normal Dear Maintainer, Whilst trying to remove transitional package libidn2-0-dev, I found that libetpan-dev would also be removed. I discovered that libetpan should depend on libidn2-dev, which supercedes the current package, from a similar bug

Bug#1015902: choqok: Choqok doesn't start and uses 100% CPU

2022-07-23 Thread Brad Rogers
Package: choqok Version: 1.7.0-1 Severity: important X-Debbugs-Cc: b...@fineby.me.uk Dear Maintainer, Start Choqok as normal (click on menu item), program starts, but never completes initialising and continues to display startup banner. I discovered the error- kf.config.core: "\"repeatedDateTim

Bug#1015902: choqok: Choqok doesn't start and uses 100% CPU

2022-07-27 Thread Brad Rogers
On Wed, 27 Jul 2022 14:59:50 -0300 Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer wrote: Hello Lisandro, >I definitely can't reproduce the issue. Sounds like your system might >have been upgraded and you keep your session opened. Please try at That might have been part of the problem, yes. Although it's

Bug#926231: [debian-mysql] Bug#926231: mariadb-server-10.3: dpkg configure error - upgrade from mysql

2019-04-16 Thread Brad Rogers
On Tue, 16 Apr 2019 11:33:23 +0300 Otto Kekäläinen wrote: Hello Otto, >I am sorry but I am not able to replicate this bug. So it cannot at >least be common, thus downgrading severity. > >Please figure out a way for me to replicate it so I can debug what is >happening. Also, check out if there is