Please try the 0.7.1pre1-2 version I'm just about to upload, and tell me
if this ugly issue is still there.
.''`. The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware,
: :' : joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware - Henry Miller
`. `'Proudly running Debian
Hi there, Steve.
Sorry I could not get back to you sooner regarding this bug.
Lirc packaging is going through a major rewrite, with invaluable
assistance from Hector ([EMAIL PROTECTED]).
We are still considering sereral issues, but lirc is basically being
repackaged almost from scratch, being m
tags 333653 fixed-upstream
Upstream says this is fixed in CVS.
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
Hey! Jonas :*
Thanks for looking!
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
tags 342024 upstream
tags 342024 moreinfo
forwarded 342024 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This patch migrates the lirc-modules-source package to use the new
> class api.
Hi there, what new calss api?
Thanks for the patch!
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (a
Hi there!
Matthieu Bouthors wrote:
> I am unable to get the debconf menu to configure lirc with the version
> 0.7.1pre2-11.
What is your defult priority for seeing questions?
from latest debconf changelog:
debconf (1.4.61) unstable; urgency=low
* The default debconf priority changes from med
lirc modules source with new class api
Amaya "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" wrote:
> More info at:
This patch breaks compatibility with older kernels and the problem is
fixed in CVS anyway.
- End forwarded message -
Regarding why lirc is so old in sid...
Joachim Berdal Haga wrote:
> I just compiled 0.7.2 (because I need alsa-usb support) with gcc 4.0.3
> and it seems to work.
> Maybe it is fixed, or is it some of the other drivers that have problems?
Attached is a buildlog. Help and patches much welcome.
retitle 343189 "Lirc kernel modules need kernel 2.6.12 or older"
severity 343189 important
This is a "virtual bug" that documents the fact that upstream does not
support any kernel higher than 2.6.12.
I will merge bugs regarding this issue with this one, in an attempt to
do some house-clea
Evgeni Dobrev wrote:
> Discussion of this dependency with the lirc maintainer is to be found
> under:
Literally, they say:
> If those header files are intended for use by code outside the
> drivers/media/video directo
This bug was not closed with my previous upload, closing now:
perforate (1.1-4) unstable; urgency=low
* Added a warning in zum man page and a README.Debian that explains the
dangers of zum-ming your /boot directory if using lilo (Closes: #295762).
-- Amaya Rodrigo Sastre <[EM
James: Hi there,
after the yesterday's upload of perforate i was wondering wether i could
close, or maybe retitle, this bug.
This last upload included a patch by Kari, that, in his own words,
implemented several of your suggestions:
<@Amaya> kaol: do you think i may close #314548
tags wouter thanks
and thanks again :)
Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> tags 255457 + patch
> thanks
> This BTS ping-pong with myself is getting silly...
This is not lonely ping pong, I am watching and enjoying myself.
Hey, did i mention that i am terribly thankful for the patch? :*
Thanks for reporting this.
I will look at it soon!
.''`. Maenner sind Schweine -- Die Aerzte
: :' : Männer sind Schweine -- Die Ärzte
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
merge 343189 304388
Evgeni Golov wrote:
> I'm trying to build the lirc modules 0.7.2-1 (from experemental) on my
> Sid box and it fails like the first post says with:
> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/modules/lirc'
> sed -e "s!\$KVERS!2.6.15-hxk!g; s!\$KSRC!/usr/src/linux-2.6.15!;
Adeodato Simó wrote:
> Finally, if there's a strong reason for which your package should
> not be NMUed, please note so in this bug report. Prospective NMUers
> will read your reasoning, and will decide if it's strong enough to
> delay their upload.
Will look at this, NMUs much wellcome!
Adeodato Simó wrote:
> Finally, if there's a strong reason for which your package should
> not be NMUed, please note so in this bug report. Prospective NMUers
> will read your reasoning, and will decide if it's strong enough to
> delay their upload.
Will look at this, NMUs much wellcome!
retitle 248931 "New upstream release available (0.21.11)"
* Please package
Bug 1 year and 240 days old.
* Fix both FTBFS bugs
* Acknowledge several NMUs (from 338 days to 1 year and 267 days old).
Would y
Hi there, Luk, Stephen et all
I was looking for bugs to fix in order to help the xlibs transition and
came across this. I have also noted that you (Luk) tried to fix it too.
There is a New Upstream Release that might fix the issues you came
across while trying to fix gpsim. I am working on this r
Hi there!
I just can't resist the urge... Could Amaya NMU amaya? :)
Please, pretty, pretty please!
Only change I would make, if pbuilder were happy about it, would be to
replace xlibs-dev for
~/xlibs-transition/[EMAIL PROTECTED]>./xlibs-split ../amaya-9.2.1/
Your code seems to depen
Hi there, Aurelien
Thanks for the patch you sent to this bug report.
I am trying to repackage newest upstream version and your pacth breaks
with it.
In this URL you will find my efforts to package this, can you please
provide a patch that applies cleanly? Only minor changes might be
needed, but I
tags 345215 pending
tags 347397 help pending
tags 248931 help pending
Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> Hi!
Hi there!
> > Thanks for the patch you sent to this bug report.
> > I am trying to repackage newest upstream version and your pacth
> > breaks with it.
> That's because support for plain Fr
tags 343946 pending patch
I intend to NMU rdesktop to the 5day queue, if you don't oppose.
Patches provided by Victor Seva are attached.
.''`. Männer sind Schweine (All men are pigs) -- Die Ärzte
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Lin
tags 346609 pending patch
I intend to NMU 3dchess to the 5day queue, if you don't oppose.
Patches provided by Victor Seva are attached.
.''`. Männer sind Schweine (All men are pigs) -- Die Ärzte
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linu
tags 346757 pending
I intend to NMU xawtv during this weekend, if you don't oppose.
Patches provided by Victor Seva are attached.
.''`. Männer sind Schweine (All men are pigs) -- Die Ärzte
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
tags 346757 pending patch
I intend to NMU xawtv to the 5day queue, if you don't oppose.
Patches provided by Victor Seva are attached.
.''`. Männer sind Schweine (All men are pigs) -- Die Ärzte
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
tags 346615 pending patch
I intend to NMU gcrontab to the 5day queue, if you don't oppose.
Patches provided by Victor Seva are attached.
.''`. Männer sind Schweine (All men are pigs) -- Die Ärzte
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Lin
Hi Uwe!
As far as I understand this issue, the 2.6.x kernels ship an older
version of the ipw2000 modules.
You are trying to build 2.6.10, and I think you would be better off with
a more recent version, like 2.6.15. Although I have failed to load newer
firmware versions with this one too.
Uwe Brauer wrote:
> I am not sure I understand. I thought that the kernels do not ship any
> module! I have to complile it myself, so basically it is a
Sorry, I got carried away, the situation I describe only applies to
kernels newer that 2.6.12.
Sorry for the noise :)
.''`. Männer sin
Thomas Girard wrote:
> In the meantime, the bug was fixed in our repo [1] but no new package
> was built. Never mind, my fault, I should have replied the bug report
> when it was sent.
Good, forget about the ITNMU then!
> So I don't oppose the NMU :-) But I have a question anyway: why was
> x-dev
Hi Sven!
I inetnd to NMU mol if you don't oppose to it, to the 5-days delayed
queue. Victor already forwarded patches to this bug.
Amaya Rodrigo
.''`. Männer sind Schweine (All men are pigs) -- Die Ärzte
: :' :
`. `'
Hi there!
Due to the xlibs-dev transition, I intend to NMU the following packages:
| Intend to NMU |
| 346347 |
tags 346632 help
Hi there!
Anand Kumria wrote:
> Knock yourself out ... if you're (un?)lucky I might even add you to
> the Uploaders line.
Hey, no way man! :P
I already get enough 'amaya' bug reports at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I have too many packages to fix myself... Ma
I give up... amaya 9.3 FTBFS with:
g++ -O2 -Wall -x c++ -D__cplusplus -D_UNIX -D_GL -D_WX -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I..
-I../../amaya/xpm -I../../thotlib/include -I../../thotlib/internals/var
-I../../thotlib/internals/h -I../../thotlib/internals/f
tags 346590 patch pending
I intend to lovingly NMU gifsicle. I will upload to a delay-5 queue.
I will also fix minor bug #345503.
Patch attached.
.''`. Männer sind Schweine (All men are pigs) -- Die Ärzte
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian
Amaya wrote:
> Patch attached.
Yeah, right :)
Patch attached *now*.
.''`. Männer sind Schweine (All men are pigs) -- Die Ärzte
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
`- www.chicasdu
Gürkan Sengün <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Changed-By: Amaya Rodrigo Sastre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
links2 - Web browser running in both graphics and text mode
Closes: 346591
links2 (2.1pre20-2.1) unstable; urgency=low
* Non-maintainer upload.
* Build depend on li
Anand Kumria wrote:
> Hmm -- it compiled before, so you seem to have a interesting version
> of libpango
Isn't it cool to realize pbuilder was pointing to testing for some
wicked reason? I am full of joy.
> Unless you are a masochist, you don't want to be touching a new
> upstream.
I slightly tr
Sorry, Wouter
I cannot find a use for the patch you sent me.
It patches files under debian/perforate/DEBIAN/ and I can't make any
sense of it.
Can you resend something more sane?
Thanks! :*
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'
Dan Korostelev wrote:
> Preview packages are available on This
> source package also generates a gnome-splashscreen-manager package
> that is a splash screen selector for gnome-session. Any comments
> welcome.
What's the apt-able sources.list line?
Please fix dependencies:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/usr/bin/gnome-splashscreen-manager
/usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/usr/bin/gnome-art
/usr/bin/env: ruby: No such file or directory
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly runn
Thijs Kinkhorst wrote:
> Since there was nu response from the maintainer at all, for 10 days
> now, is a NMU warranted?
I am the maintainer. Please, NMU.
.''`. You've always made the mistake of being yourself - Ionesco
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.
Hi there!
Sorry it took me this long to get back to you...
Please see: #293790 regarding the lack of nodup in perforate.
The new version of finddup replaces nodup and fixes several issues, as
well as a full rewrite from shell in favor of perl, which makes my life
much easier :)
I think I have fai
Lirc 0.7 will be entering testing in a couple of days.
Can you test it then?
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.10 Ext3)
Hi Joey,
Thanks! I'm now looking at it.
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3)
Thanks for spotting this! Already uploading
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.10 Ext3)
with a su
Hi there,
I was wondering if you were still experiencing this, as a significant
amount of work, and newer upstream version of lirc has been uploaded to
Thanks for your time
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid
Hi there,
Are you still seeing this bug?
Latest lirc versions both in testing and unstable build with 2.6.
Can I close this bug?
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.10 Ext3)
`- www.malapec
Hi there,
I was wondering if you were still experiencing this, as a significant
amount of work, and newer upstream version of lirc has been uploaded to
Thanks for your time
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid
Hi there,
I was wondering if you were still experiencing this, as a significant
amount of work, and newer upstream version of lirc has been uploaded to
Thanks for your time
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid
Hi there,
I was wondering if you were still experiencing this, as a significant
amount of work, and newer upstream version of lirc has been uploaded to
Thanks for your time
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid
tags 301589 pending
OMG, thanks for reporting this... upload is on the way!
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.10 Ext3)
tags 301590 sid pending
priority 301590 important
I am downloading priority because the package builds fine with other
kernels Debian ships. See #294174 for the release manager explaining how
this kind of bug is not Release Critical.
.''`. sleep: command not found
Martin Lohmeier wrote:
> the problem is not that complicated. There is a simple
> if [ -f "$KSRC/Rules.make" ];then
No, I just uploaded and that test is gone.
> the automatic build works. I don know how other module-source packages
> check if the directory contain a valid kernel source, but
Martin Lohmeier wrote:
> Confirmed!
Yes, I did a quick google search, but wanted to be sure. 4 eyes see more
than just two :)
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.10 Ext3)
`- www.malapecora.
Closing as I got no answer from original submitters.
Amaya wrote:
> Hi there,
> I was wondering if you were still experiencing this, as a significant
> amount of work, and newer upstream version of lirc has been uploaded to
> Debian.
I see:
checking for X... (cached) libraries /usr/X11R6/lib, headers /usr/X11R6/include
and it builds for me... can you test lirc_0.7.1pre2-6?
.''`. sleep: command not found
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.10 Ext3)
`- www.ama
Mike Hommey wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 02, 2005 at 09:45:04PM +0200, Amaya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I see:
> > checking for X... (cached) libraries /usr/X11R6/lib, headers
> > /usr/X11R6/include
> >
> > and it builds for me... can you test lirc_0.7.1pre2-6
Package: sshfs
Version: 1.2-1
Severity: normal
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>apt-cache show sshfs
Package: sshfs
Suggests: fuse-module
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>apt-get install fuse-module
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree... Done
Package fuse-module is not available, but is referre
reassign 329829 manpages-fr
Tanguy Ortolo wrote:
> Package: base
> Severity: normal
> I tried Utf-8 as default locale. The command man seems to produce
> iso8859-& only, that is why every accentuated character in my french
> manpages disappear...
> -- System Information:
> Debian Rele
Hey there!
Thanks for the patch.
As you can see at
I get patches regularly, but have failed to apply them so far :( I have
been a bit busy and overwhelmed by Real Life (tm).
Anyway, I would like you to look at the patches provided to the same
reopen 326672
Adilson dos Santos Dantas wrote:
> This patch works for me too and really fix this bug
Ok, will look into it further.
> I don't know why this bug is still marked as done. It should be
> reopened or upload a package with this patch or a new lirc upstream
> version.
Patrik Wallstrom wrote:
> It has been two weeks since this original bug report was sent...
> (I would like to try lirc.) :)
I am working on it.
This bug pops up once and again every couple of months, and i want to be
able to fix it for sure.
Sorry, I am currently making all I can. You are welcome
Also, a temporary workaround is to install lirc-modules-source.
That will alow you to test lirc soone :)
Sorry about not being able to properly fix this without an ugly hack
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unst
severity 329897 important
tags 329897 help, pending
Amaya wrote:
> Also, a temporary workaround is to install lirc-modules-source.
Downgrading priority now.
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `' P
reassign 333236 menu
Hi there, Christophe!
I am reassigning this bug to the menu package, where it belongs.
Thanks for reporting this.
Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> Package: base
> Severity: normal
> When adding packages with a menu file for the Debian menu (with Synaptic
> or simply a
Nicolas Boullis wrote:
> (I might write the corresponding patch if you wish.)
Please! :)
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `' Proudly running unstable Debian GNU/Linux
`- www.chicasduras.c
Hi there!
I just uploaded a new lirc package, and I am pretty sure that Agustin's
patch fixes it. Can you please test it and tell me if we can close this
Thanks for your time!
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `' Proudly runn
Hi there!
I just uploaded a new lirc package.
Can you test if this problem is still happening?
I am also working on newest upstream version, so i will ping you again
about it when I upload.
Thanks for your time!
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
tags 312498 -patch
Hi there Clytie!
Could you provide a proper patch? What you provided is very confusing
and a lot of work. Anyway, your sugestions are excellent and improve
lirc a great deal. Just issue this command and send me the output file:
diff -urNad lirc-0.7.1pre2.clytie/ lirc-0.
Hi there!
I just uploaded a new version of lirc that fixes #328697.
I think the bug you are reporting is intimately related to it, so it
should be fixed in this upload too. irxevent has been heavily patched.
I would be happy if you could test this. If it is not fixed, please feel
free to reopen t
- Forwarded message from Juergen Pfennig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:00:22 +0200
From: Juergen Pfennig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bug#328697 ... fixed in lirc 0.7.1pre2-8 NO! WAN'T COMPILE
Sorry Amaya,
Juergen Pfennig wrote:
> could you/we think about the following change (remove the #ifdef DEBUG stuff):
No problem. I will upload soon.
> Sorry again. Thanks for taking care of irxevent anyhow,
Keep the patches coming!
Anyway, I need some help with building lirc-0.7.2 with gcc4. Maybe you
reopen 268993
Alex Malinovich wrote:
> I do not think this bug should be closed yet. I've just tested my
> system and I can still reproduce this bug (running plucker 1.8-11 on
> amd64). I have been able to reproduce this bug both with local and
> with remote images. I have also tested it bo
Adam Di Carlo wrote:
> retitle 76771 [cvs fixed] Improper /root permissions
> retitle 81319 [cvs fixed] Error upon reboot after installation: /sbin/termwrap
Hi there, Adam...
Any idea if this bugs can be closed now?
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
tags 315693 moreinfo sarge
Dominik Vogt wrote:
> I *can* create new encrypted filesystems with sarge and mount them as
> usual, but the ones created with woody are inaccessible.
Hi, Dominic
Are you still experiencing this bug?
If so, can you please especify which kernel versions allow you
priority 197510 wishlist
Philipp Lehman wrote:
> libncurses5-dev is required for the "make menuconfig" target to work
> when building a kernel. Since compiling a custom kernel is probably
> one of the first things you do when bootstrapping a system, I believe
> that it should be available b
> package base
> tag 277622 moreinfo unreproducible
> tank
> There is not the slightest information in this report, who could
> help ?
> 3 monthes without a sign of life from the submitter who had a
> reply 4 hours after the report (i don t expect the address
> changed i
reassign 197510,libncurses5-dev
Jeroen, dato told me you would take care of this :)
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3)
`- www.malapeco
tags 125963 moreinfo
Hi there!
> Package: base
> Version: 20011220
> Severity: normal
> more /proc/misc -> segv
Are you still experiencing this bug?
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Pro
merge 278845 283379
Regis Boudin wrote:
> This bugs seems to be a duplicate of #283379, which was closed in december
> last year :
> 278845 : plucker-desktop: i386 only
> 283379 : plucker: Is (erroneously?) Arch: i386, not Arch: any
> I suppose it should be closed as well.
Yes, thanks f
Hi there, Jelle
Sorry for not getting in touch with you sooner about this bug.
Are you still experiencing it?
I think the "-quiet" flag gets passed to the ppmquant command, not cat.
Can you try to reproduce this and send me more info (error messages,
details) so that i can talk to upstream on a
Hi there, John
Sorry for not getting in touch with you sooner about this bug.
Are you still experiencing it?
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3)
tags 190637 -wontfix
tags 190637 moreinfo
tags 190637 unreproducible
Hi there, Karsten
Sorry for not getting in touch with you sooner about this bug.
Are you still experiencing it?
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'
tags 289108 -wontfix
tags 289108 moreinfo
Hi there, plucker desktop was just uploaded and it is now built with a
newer version of libwxgtk2.4.
Can you please test if this helps in anyway in order to close this bug?
Thanks for your input!
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty
tags 188027 help
John Goerzen wrote:
> Thanks for the e-mail. However, I haven't owned a Palm device for
> quite some time and haven't used Plucker for nearly 2 years, so I
> don't know if the bug still exists or not.
/me is almost there too :(
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit -
tags 278848 moreinfo
forwarded 278848
Hi there...
I just uploaded a plucker-desktop package that is going to be built
against a new version of libwxgtk. Can you please tell me if this is
still making your life more diffcult?
Thanks very much for your time!
tags 190637 confirmed
tags 190637 -unreproducible
tags 190637 help
I really need to look into this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]>plucker-build -c
Pluckerdir is '/home/amaya/.plucker'...
0 collected, 1 to do
tags 293032 moreinfo
severity 293032 wishlist
Hi, Dan
You overwhelmed be with bug reports and most of them make a lot of
sense, but this one I can't parse :)
It would be helpful that you clearly stated the stepes you have to take
until you get to this point of double clicking, what you ex
tags 293032 moreinfo
Hi, Dan
This one I can't parse either :)
What exactly were you trying to do here?
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3)
block 266343 by 181276
Hi there, Ralph and Juanma.
Facturalux version in Debian is 0.4 and upstream is 1.7. Newest
Facturalux needs qsa-x11-free, so this bug is a blocker for the one
requesting facturalux to be updated to newest upstream release.
If Ralph is still interested in packaging
tags 304432 +unreproducible +sid +help
Are you still being hit by this?
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3)
tags 304432 +moreinfo
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3)
tags 304432 unreproducible sid help
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3)
tags 268993 +moreinfo
Hi there,
Can you still reproduce this bug?
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3)
Chris Hanson wrote:
> Please recompile to update dependency.
Yes, I am working on various plucker bugs right now... Expect an upload
.''`. Follow the white Rabbit - Ranty (and Lewis Carroll)
: :' :
`. `'Proudly running Debian GNU/Linux (Sid 2.6.11 Ext3)
tags 292474 upstream
forwarded 292474 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> and is really an upstream issue
·''`. If I can't dance to it, it's not my revolution
: :' :-- Emma Goldman
`. `' Proudly running Debi
tags 280626 upstream
forwarded 280626 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> This bug should be closed. The upstream advise with respect to
> template customisations, is (now) to create a new tmpl file,
> containing only your changed sections. Then you can set your SKIN
> setting to
Package: twiki
Version: 1:4.0.5-5
Severity: critical
Justification: breaks unrelated software
Tags: patch
Sven Dowideit wrote:
> it contains a fix for a bug i reported to about 6
> hours ago, but it's still not gotten a number ;(
It is not there yet... Did you use reportbug?
I am
reassign 403794 installation-reports
tags 403794 moreinfo
Dear Art,
Thanks for reporting this bug.
I am reassigning it to the installation-reports pseudo-package.
Can I suggest you try one of the latest version of our Installer?
The Net istall Cd (only 100MB) can be found at:
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