Severity: important
After the latest changes to bts it is not possible to request a single
bug with reportbug any longer.
Requesting mbox format does not work, too.
Maybe there is a relation between both problems.
-- System Information:
Debian Release
On Sun, Jul 24, 2005 at 07:53:01PM +0200, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
> Let me see if I understand this right. Is this a bug that happens only when a
> user uploads two or more files in the same request? Or is it after the first
> upload an Apache child sees? (The former doesn't really seem like an
(Overquoting a bit since your previous message didn't hit the BTS)
On Mon, Aug 08, 2005 at 05:41:26PM +0200, Max Kellermann wrote:
>> Yes, due to #319614, which says exactly the opposite of your bug report. :-)
> b.d.o was down when I submitted the report, but I guessed that. This
> bug report is
Package: biff
Version: 1:0.17.pre2412-1.3
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
to finish the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc migration, biff needs to stop
creating a symlink in its postinst. Please apply the attached patch.
Julien Cristau
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstab
Severity: normal
When viewing a bug with lynx, the cursor is on the first link on the
page. THis is the bug number with a mail link behind.
Please add the mail link for adding additional information below the bug
text. It is quite confusing, where it is now and it has no
Package: geg
Version: 1.0.2-4
Severity: normal
in order to finish the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc migration, geg needs
to be rebuilt with a recent debhelper, which won't create a /usr/doc
symlink in the postinst script.
Julien Cristau
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/u
For your immediate review:
Good Day, your file has been reviewed and there now are a few potential options
for you to consider.
Please note that this issue is time sensitive and that your previous credit
situation is not of concern.
Confirm your details on our secure form to ensure the data
Package: gnuplot
Version: 4.0.0-2
Severity: minor
Tags: patch
The following message
pointed me to the explanation about readline and gnuplot incompatible
licenses (that you also addressed in bug #75403).
Actually, the GPL does
Package: f2c
Version: 20020621-3.4
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
to finish the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc migration, f2c needs to stop
creating a symlink in its postinst. Please apply the attached patch.
Julien Cristau
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
APT pr
forwarded 322396 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
tags 322396 +upstream
This one time, at band camp, Clint Adams said:
> > I see now that you did, and my mailserver rejected it for being
> > Worm.Mydoom.M infected :( Sorry about that - I have grabbed the copy in
> > the BTS.
> Ha, I knew I should have
Package: elib
Version: 1.0-11
Severity: normal
in order to finish the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc migration, elib needs
to be rebuilt with a recent debhelper, which won't create a /usr/doc
symlink in the postinst script.
Julien Cristau
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/
On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 05:29:03AM +0200, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Package: debpool
> Version: 0.2.2
> Followup-For: Bug #317390
> Hi,
> I found the place where the problem eventually sits. It's line 396 in
> /usr/share/debpool/perl5/DebPool/, the line reads:
> if ($section =~ m/$ch
On Sat, Aug 06, 2005 at 03:03:47PM -0700, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
> It seems that this package already exists in the archive. If you have
> uploaded the package yourself but forgotten to close this WNPP bug, please
> read the instructions at for handli
Package: latex2html
Version: 2002-2-1-20050114-2
Severity: normal
to finish the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc transition, latex2html should
stop creating a symlink in /usr/doc from its postinst.
The debian/postinst script contains a lot of code dealing with /usr/doc,
and I think most, if not all
Package: libmpeg1
Version: 1.3.1-2.1
Severity: normal
in order to complete the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc transition, libmpeg1
needs to be rebuilt with a newer debhelper, which won't create a symlink
during postinst.
Julien Cristau
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unst
On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 23:58:54 +0200, Julien Cristau wrote:
> to finish the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc migration, biff needs to stop
> creating a symlink in its postinst. Please apply the attached patch.
This time with the patch really attached :)
diff -Nru biff-0.17.pre2
[Please Cc [EMAIL PROTECTED] if there's something you feel should also
go into the bug log]
On Sat, Aug 13, 2005 at 12:28:18AM +0200, Max Kellermann wrote:
> hm, libapreq2 can be used in many different ways... dependencies are
> important, but forcing everyone to install all dependencies (Apache2
Package: liblablgl-ocaml-dev
Version: 1.01-4
Followup-For: Bug #319281
This bug could be solved by adding libglu1-xorg-dev as an alternative to
xlibmesa-glu-dev | xlibmesa-dev (<< 4.2.1-5) | libglu-dev...
Sylvain Le Gall
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
Package: rplay
Version: 3.3.2-8
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
in order to complete the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc transition, rplay
needs to stop creating symlinks in /usr/doc from its postinst. Please
apply the attached patch (which removes most debian/*.postinst files,
because they aren't ne
Package: molphy
Version: 2.3b3-1
Severity: normal
in order to complete the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc transition, molphy
needs to be rebuilt with a newer debhelper, which won't create a symlink
in /usr/doc from the postinst.
Julien Cristau
-- System Information:
Debian Release: test
Hi Reinhard,
Am Freitag, den 12.08.2005, 11:44 +0200 schrieb Reinhard Tartler:
> Hi utnubus!
> I noticed that this list did not mention wifi-radar, a package already
> in ubuntu, yet. Perhaps it has been overlooked.The package can be
> downloaded here:
On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 11:02 +0200, Tomas Fasth wrote:
> Hello David,
Hi :-)
> I am not sure Content Manager is a good description, may be
> Information Manager is closer to what it seem to target. For me,
> content management is about structure and appearence, not calendar
> events and instant me
Package: netcdf
Version: 3.5.0-7.1
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
in order to complete the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc transition, netcdf
needs to stop creating symlinks in /usr/doc from its postinst.
Please apply the attached patch.
Julien Cristau
-- System Information:
Debian Releas
Package: wmload
Version: 0.9.2-9
Severity: normal
in order to complete the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc migration, wmload
needs to be rebuilt with a newer debhelper. It will then stop creating
symlinks in /usr/doc from its postinst.
Julien Cristau
-- System Information:
Debian Releas
On 2005/08/13 00:42, "Steinar H. Gunderson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> BTW, I wasn't really aware that there _were_ that many ways to use
> libapreq2. If there are useful ones which for some reason aren't
> supported by my packaging, I'd be happy to hear about them.
libapreq can be used for req
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Eldon Koyle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
* Package name: dft
Version : 3.2.0
Upstream Author : Ivan P. Daykov (email omitted)
* URL :
* License : GPL
Description : Density functional software (quantum
Package: wmcalc
Version: 0.3-2
Severity: normal
in order to complete the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc migration, wmcalc
needs to be rebuilt with a newer debhelper. It will then stop creating
symlinks in /usr/doc from its postinst.
Julien Cristau
-- System Information:
Debian Release:
Damn... I _had_ uploaded libnet-imap-simple-perl at some point! (at
least, I thought so - I even set the tag on the SVN tree)
Anyway, the module _does_ require Net::IMAP::Simple to be used (it
just extends it by providing an SSL layer), so I will first upload
Thanks for your bug, anyway.
On Thu, May 26, 2005 at 02:23:12PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> severity 292951 serious
> thanks
> On Tue, 1 Feb 2005, Joel Van Velden wrote:
> > Debian Installer (nightly version 20050128 netinst.iso) does not succeed in
> > loading the cdrom drive so it cannot proceed further with the install
It seems that there is a new version again : 0.8.
I don't open a new bug since the topic is the same ;)
At the same time, I hope you can solve the dependency problem with openjade.
Thanks for your work.
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Conta
severity 322773 important
Steve Langasek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 09:49:50PM +0200, Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt wrote:
>> Anyway, the sparc binaries are broken, as announced in the build log:
>> /usr/bin/ld: warning:, needed by /usr/lib/, ma
Amaze your partner with the talents in sexual area!
He who despises himself nevertheless esteems himself as a self-despiser.
Nothing recedes like success.
Humor - the perfect relationship of the parts to the whole.
Prices You Can Afford - Quality You Can Trust
Never complain. Never explain.
All Bibles are man-made.
Computer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.
tags 302089 -unreproducible
Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED] (va, manoj)> wrote:
> There have been a couple of new versions of Gnus since when
> you reported this issue (and one heading out to incoming in a few
> minutes). Is there any change at all in the behaviour?
I'm sti
On Wed, Aug 10, 2005 at 12:25:22AM +0200, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> I just tested building jts, and by coincident saw this warning from
> dpkg-genchanges:
> dpkg-genchanges: warning: missing Section for source files
> Neither lintian nor linda warned about the missing section when I used
reopen 318648
The mm-w3m-local-map-property problem is still present, if somewhat
changed, in 5.10.6-1.NO.20050809-2. (I never ran
5.10.6-1.NO.20050809-1.) I still get this message:
mm-inline-text-html-render-with-w3m: Symbol's function definition is void:
Package: amarok
Version: 1.2.4-1
Severity: normal
this is beginning to annoy me. Sometimes, unreproducibly amarok forgets
it's playlist. I think something in amarok's session-management code is
buggy, because so far this happens only when KDE is closed and started
again. For example when shut
Start off with a clean configuration. What I did:
mkdir ~/tmp/gnus-test
export HOME=~/tmp/gnus-test
emacs &
Within emacs:
M-x gnus
Answer 'y' to 'Unable to open nntp:news, go offline?' and again to
'nntp (news) open error: ''. Continue?'.
M-x set-variable mm-text-html-renderer w3m
Package: installation-reports
Debian-installer-version:, 2005-08-13
uname -a: ?
Date: 2005-08-13, 01:27
Method: Boot from floppy images
Machine: VIA EPIA ME6000
Processor: VIA Eden 600MHz
Memory: 256Mb
Root Device: /dev/fd0
Root Size/partition table: ?
Output of lspci and lspci -n: may have to delete the ">" from the first character of my
"mbox" attachment.
Jay Berkenbilt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Package: udev
Version: 0.065-1
Severity: normal
I have had udev installed (because hal depends on it) for several
months, and just encountered a problem which has me perplexed. I don't
know much about udev, so I'm not sure whether my system is in an invalid
state or how it might have gotten that
I think I already brought this issue up once but nothing was decided
back then. I'm taking a look at #288393.
What should we do about this? Should we adopt some kind of Debian visual
identity for the GNOME desktop? Are Debian GNOME Maintainers mostly
satisfied with the current state of aff
Package: ddskk
Version: 12.2.rel.0-3
There is now a CVS version of Emacs (22.0.50) in Debian
(emacs-snapshot). However, ddskk 12.2.rel.0-3 fails with it.
I've created the backport patch from the upstream CVS. Please see the
attached patch. Also, please add `emacs-snapshot' to the dependency.
Package: java-package
Version: 0.25
Severity: wishlist
java-package does not yet support jdk 1.6
beta versions are out, they are pretty stable
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
APT prefers unstable
APT policy: (990, 'unstable'), (1, 'expe
On Saturday 13 August 2005 02:33, David Linton wrote:
> Loaded root floppy OK, then said something about a framebuffer, cleared
> screen, and display went blue and grey as if there was some character
> based menu system, but scan lines were out of register sideways and
> I couldn't read anything to
Package: gallery
Version: 1.5-1
Severity: normal
setting the "font" field in an album's properties doesn't actually do anything.
grepping through /usr/share/gallery found no use for the "font" setting.
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
APT prefers testing
APT policy: (
Package: lookup-el
Version: 1.4-3
There is now a CVS version of Emacs (22.0.50) in Debian
(emacs-snapshot). However, lookup-el 1.4-3 doesn't byte-compile
for it.
Please allow the flavor `emacs-snapshot' in the emacsen-install
script. Also, please add `emacs-snapshot' to the dependency.
Thanks. Will be fixed in the next version.
Christian T. Steigies wrote:
> Package: tea
> Version: 10.1-1
> Severity: minor
>>From the build log:
> dpkg-deb: building package `tea' in `../tea_10.1-1_m68k.deb'.
> dpkg-deb: building package `tea-data' in `../tea-data_10.1-1_all.deb'.
> See: htt
Package: lintian
Version: 1.23.11
Severity: normal
While checking my package I got these:
W: devhelp: possible-bashism-in-maintainer-script preinst:5 '[ "$1" = "upgrade"
-o '
W: devhelp: possible-bashism-in-maintainer-script postrm:16 '&>'
W: devhelp: possible-bashism-in-maintainer-script postrm
Package: approx
Version: 1.15
Severity: normal
My /var/cache/approx is on a FAT partition like this:
jaworz:~$ df -T | tail -n 3
/dev/sda1 vfat 16347220163452 1% /mnt/sda1
/mnt/sda1/approx none 16347220163452 1%
retitle 322612 Various scripts/binaries missing from scripts directory
severity 322612 important
Thanks for your report. Indeed, due to a recent change some parts of the
scripts directory (at least, in addition to genksyms) are
missing. The solution for it is in the works.
On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 11:41:59AM +1000, Drew Parsons wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 00:10 +1000, Anand Kumria wrote:
> > Hi Drew,
> >
> Hi Anand, thanks for the report :)
No problems ...
> > I have a large(ish) list of timezones and everytime gworldclock starts
> > up I have to resize the w
Package: gnat-4.0
Version: 4.0.1-4
Severity: normal
This small test program cannot be linked:
$ cat testcase.adb
with GNAT.Traceback.Symbolic;
procedure TestCase is
end TestCase;
$ gnatmake testcase
gcc-4.0 -c testcase.adb
gnatbind -x testcase.ali
gnatlink testcase.ali
On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 12:54:16PM -0400, Eric Dorland wrote:
> I'm not sure it's possible to use automake to create non-recursive
> makefiles. Do you know something I don't?
The automake info pages say it should be possible, but there are warts.
>From "info automake alternative":
Automake pro
tags 322610 patch
Thanks for the report. I'd appreciate if you would test the attached patch
(against linux-2.6 2.6.12-2 source package) and see if it fixes the
situation. If it does, I'll push it into the svn.
Best regards,
Jurij Smakov[EM
CeeMedia 'experimental' package is ready for a testing, look here:
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Package: vim-common
Version: 1:6.3-071+1
Severity: wishlist
The attached files enable highlighting for the asterisk pbx config
files, they were taken from [1].
Please, add to the vim-common package.
thanks for your w
Hi everybody,
If somebody still interested in it, here new version:
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Package: pbuilder
> Version: 0.128
> pbuilder update does not remove packages that are unavailable.
> For example, slang1a-utf8 was superseded by libslang2 but pbuilder
> update does not remove it.
I would recommend running pbuilder create; but in
practice it is not possible to c
reassign 322625 wnpp
retitle 322625 RFP: phpunit -- PEAR package for OOP PHP development
On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 11:11:31PM +0200, Nathan Samson wrote:
> Package: php5
> "PHPUnit is a family of PEAR packages (PHPUnit, PHPUnit2) that
> supports the development of object-oriented PHP applica
On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 09:00:53AM +0200, Andreas Jochens wrote:
> On 05-Aug-11 19:50, Ethan Benson wrote:
> >
> > I already have a more comprehensive ppc64 patch pending to be merged
> > next time I have the chance. thus this will be fixed in next stable
> > yaboot release.
> Could you send m
Julien Cristau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> in order to complete the /usr/doc -> /usr/share/doc transition, rplay
> needs to stop creating symlinks in /usr/doc from its postinst. Please
> apply the attached patch (which removes most debian/*.postinst files,
> because they aren't needed now).
At Fri, 12 Aug 2005 20:50:25 +0200,
Adrian Bunk wrote:
> After upgrading from the sarge libc6, sshd on my computer no longer
> accepted connections.
> Restarting sshd fixed the problem.
> It seems the "restart services" question in the postinst should be
> asked for upgrades from < 2.3.5 .
Bruce Allen wrote:
The /dev/tw* nodes are created by smartd/smartctl on startup, if they
don't already exist.
Thanks for the help, sorry for the unnecessary email.
So does it work for you now?
-- Guido
Yes, thank you, it does. I just wish this section in the /etc/smartd.conf file
Package: pike7.6-core
Version: 7.6.24-1
Severity: normal
the file is needed for pike -x module to work
-- System Information:
Debian Release: 3.1
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.4.31-grsec
Locale: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] (charmap=ISO-8859-15) (ignored:
LC_ALL set to [EMA
Package: reportbug
Version: 3.15
Severity: normal
Every time I run reportbug, it gives me a condescending message about
using "vi", and asks me to change it. This message really serves no
purpose, other than to make reportbug's author look ridiculous.
I recommend you include several other messa
I can confirm this bug exists, and that Brendan's patch fixes it
for the sparc platform at least.
Package: traceroute
Version: 1.4a12-19
-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
APT prefers testing
APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: sparc (sparc64)
Shell: /bin/sh link
> I would have thought that old (r11) would have just been copied to
> r26. Could you send preprocessed source and compilation details?
This is now filed as
I have reassigned the fakeroot bug to gcc-4.0 and marked it up accordingly.
For your immediate review:
Good Day, your file has been reviewed and there now are a few potential options
for you to consider.
Please note that this issue is time sensitive and that your previous credit
situation is not of concern.
Confirm your details on our secure form to ensure the data
On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 16:12 +0200, Eduard Bloch wrote:
> > I'm packaging this in order to allow packaging captive ntfs (I'm
> Tell me if you need a sponsor.
I do, thanks for the offer :)
It would be great if you could sponsor captive ntfs too when I have
packaged it (probably will be easy, be
Package: libgda2
Version: 1.2.1-2
Severity: serious
libgda2 fails to build because it uses some undeclared types, which
causes syntax errors:
> if /bin/sh ../../libtool --tag=CC --mode=compile cc -DPACKAGE_NAME=\"GNU\
> Data\ Access\" -DPACKAGE_TARNAME=\"libgda\" -DPACKAGE_VERSION=\"1.2.1\"
> -
Package: libdbi-drivers
Version: 0.7.1-3.0.1
Severity: serious
Tags: patch
libdbi-drivers fails to build because it does not look in the right
place for the PostgreSQL include files:
> checking for PostgreSQL support... no
> configure: error: Invalid PostgreSQL directory - include files not found
Package: libg++27
Severity: serious
libg++27 fails to build because it uses dpkg's obsolete
--print-gnu-build-architecture option:
> debian/rules build
> dpkg: unknown option --print-gnu-build-architecture
> Type dpkg --help for help about installing and deinstalling packa
reassign 322146 gcc-3.4
close 322146 3.4.4-7
At Tue, 09 Aug 2005 12:17:14 +0200,
Andreas Jochens wrote:
> When trying to build 'glibc' in a clean chroot on powerpc/unstable,
> I get the following error:
> # apt-get build-dep glibc
> # cd glibc-2.3.5; dpkg-buildpackage -b
> dpkg-buildpack
For your immediate review:
Good Day, your file has been reviewed and there now are a few potential options
for you to consider.
Please note that this issue is time sensitive and that your previous credit
situation is not of concern.
Confirm your details on our secure form to ensure the data
Package: libggimisc
Version: 2.0.2-1.2
Severity: serious
Tags: patch
libggimisc fails to build because it contains invalid lvalues in two
> source='init.c' object='init.lo' libtool=yes \
> depfile='.deps/init.Plo' tmpdepfile='.deps/init.TPlo' \
> depmode=gcc3 /bin/sh ../../depcomp \
Package: libggi
Version: 2.0.5-1
Severity: serious
Tags: patch
libggi fails to build because it build-depends on aalib1-dev, which
has been renamed libaa1-dev:
> -> Considering aalib1-dev
>-> Trying aalib1-dev
>-> Cannot install aalib1-dev; apt errors follow:
> Reading package lists
On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Russ Allbery wrote:
Thank you *very* much for this report. I will be reviewing it in detail
probably this weekend, as soon as I finish work on the 1.3.87-1 upload.
That would be great. I look forward to helping to get the config scripts
to work better.
Get quick rate quotes from lenders. Refinance and Save - No Obligation!
I w0uld kli0me h0me late in the night and w0uld get 0ut early in the m0rning.
We were running 0ur lives s0meh0w. There wasn't muklih 0f a kli0nversati0n
between Mi
Package: byacc
Version: 20050505-1
Severity: serious
groff fails to build from source because byacc generates an incomplete
declaration of YYSTYPE in the header file. The first attachement
contains the header file it generates. The second attachment contains
a patch that fixes this problem.
Package: dhcp-client
Version: 2.0pl5-19.1
Severity: important
Tags: patch
Line 52 of /etc/dhclient-script writes "search $new_domain_name" to
/etc/resolv.conf. However, if $new_domain_name is emtpy, it merely
writes the word "search" which breaks /etc/resolv.conf and causes the
`host` command to s
Package: libembperl-perl
Version: 2.0rc3-1
Severity: serious
libembperl-perl fails to build because it cannot find apr.h:
> cc -c -I/tmp/buildd/libembperl-perl-2.0rc3 -I/usr/include/apache2
> -I/usr/lib/apache2/modules/regex -I/usr/lib/apache2/modules/os/unix
> -I/usr/include/libxml2 -I/usr/in
found 317533 1:
Since both Paul Visscher and I can reproduce this bug with
1:, I'm reopening this bug.
Description: Digital signature
On Fri, Aug 12, 2005 at 10:54:24PM -0300, Gustavo Noronha Silva wrote:
> While checking my package I got these:
> W: devhelp: possible-bashism-in-maintainer-script preinst:5 '[ "$1" =
> "upgrade" -o '
> W: devhelp: possible-bashism-in-maintainer-script postrm:16 '&>'
> W: devhelp: possible-bash
tags 302089 +unreproducible
The tag is not for whether the reporter can reproduce this,
but for whether the maintainer can. I can't. Please learn what the
tag is about before removing tags set by the maintainer.
Successful and fortunate crime is called virt
At Thu, 11 Aug 2005 21:36:37 -0400,
Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 12:44:00PM +0200, Christoph Hellwig wrote:
> > On Thu, Aug 11, 2005 at 04:14:55AM -0400, Nathanael Nerode wrote:
> > > "PPC libc6 should be built with TLS and NPTL"
> > > We have new enough GCC now, and new glibc
Since the string mm-w3m-local-map-property does not appear in
Debian package for Gnus, I don't see how it can be fixed. Are you
sure you are loading the stand alone Gnus and not the builtin one?
Parkinson's Fifth Law: If there is a way to delay in important
At Wed, 10 Aug 2005 17:24:26 -0300 (BRT),
Nelson A. de Oliveira wrote:
> 3 days after restaring Apache and no more errors. Maybe close the bug?
We'll fix glibc to introduce restarting apache question again.
-- gotom
with a subject of "unsu
At Wed, 10 Aug 2005 23:51:18 -0400,
Joey Hess wrote:
> libc6-udeb depends on libnss-files-udeb, which is unnecessary since most
> d-i images don't need that udeb at all, and the udebs that do need it
> seems to depend on it (openssh-client-udeb, openssh-server-udeb).
I changed now. BTW, is it ok
Get quick rate quotes from lenders. Refinance and Save - No Obligation!
h0t spears at us. Its light 0nly pr0ved t0 be a "sparkling darkness", whiklih
attraklited us but failed t0 kli0mf0rt us. This system wasn't flawless either.
How have you been,
Get quick rate quotes from lenders. Refinance and Save - No Obligation!
near future has made my hand to frustratingly wont for a passionate hug of
that slender-finger neighbor. I desire to alter the coldness of my hands with
185109-quiet, I know you've seen a pile of different Mor_tgage and
Reflnancing Emails in the past But trust me, this
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hot spears at us. Its light only proved to be a "sparkling darkness", which
attracted us but failed to comfort us. This system wasn't flawless either. The
Hash: RIPEMD160
tags +patch
Attached is a simple patch against 1.01b-12.1 to fix this problem -
including stdlib.h in mmv.c fixes the crash on amd64. A bunch of
warnings like these were getting printed during compile, but were going
mmv.c:540: w
On Fri, 12 Aug 2005 21:03:06 -0700,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Debian Bug Tracking System) wrote:
>> reopen 318648 thanks
>> The mm-w3m-local-map-property problem is still present, if somewhat
>> changed, in 5.10.6-1.NO.20050809-2. (I never ran
>> 5.10.6-1.NO.20050809-1.) I still get this messag
Matthijs Mohlmann wrote:
> Hi,
> Daniel Dickinson wrote:
> > Package: pdns
> > Version: 2.9.17-13sarge1
> > Severity: serious
> > Justification: Policy 6.5.4
> >
> > Both pdns-doc_2.9.17-13sarge1_all.deb and pdns_2.9.17-13sarge1_all.deb
> > contain /usr/share/doc-base/pdns. This prevents whic
Severity: normal
This is to request the removal of the devhelp-books source package
and all its binaries from testing and unstable.
Considering that many of the manuals are FDL that would have to be
[re]moved and that many of the other manuals which are not FDL are
Em Sáb, 2005-08-13 às 05:51 +0200, Frank Lichtenheld escreveu:
> No, lintian is right. What you want to write is 2>&1. 2&>1 is completly
> broken:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/debian/tmp$ perl -e 'print STDERR "test\n";print
> "@ARGV\n"' 2&>1
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/debian/tmp$ cat 1
> test
> 2
You're tot
Package: avida-base
Version: 2.0b7-3
Severity: minor
Tags: patch
The default world file at /usr/share/avida/genesis is slightly muddled; by
default, it searches for files in '../work' -- in Debian, it should be
configured to look in '/usr/share/avida'.
- DEFAULT_DIR ../work
Package: dict-wn
Version: 2.0g-12
Severity: normal
The first entry for Saskatoon reads
n 1: a city is southern Saskatchewan [syn: {Saskatoon}]
-- System Information
Debian Release: 3.1
Kernel Version: Linux gondolin 2.4.27-hx-1-686-smp #3 SMP Tue Oct 5 20:01:26
EST 20
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