Bug#986232: ITP organicmaps

2023-12-13 Thread Federico Ceratto
Thanks for your interest in the package, Matthias, and sorry for the late reply. The packaging at https://salsa.debian.org/debian/organicmaps has been done by Jochen Sprickerhof. Feel free to take over the ITP related to libsuccint if you want: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1025

Bug#986232: ITP organicmaps

2023-11-19 Thread Matthias Geiger
On 19.11.23 02:04, Matthias Geiger wrote: On Thu, 1 Jun 2023 23:16:58 +0200 (CEST) matthias.geiger1...@tutanota.de wrote: >Note: I built with the 3party/ dir excluded via d/copyright. > >libtess2, open-location-code, succinct, sdf_image and liboauthcpp would need packaging from scratch at a fi

Bug#986232: ITP organicmaps

2023-06-01 Thread matthias . geiger1024
Hi Frederico, are you still working on this ? I did a quick breakdown of which libraries might need packaging and ran a testbuild: Embedded libs already in debian: agg:  libagg2-dev freetype:  libfreetype6-dev glm:  libglm-dev jansson:  libjansson-dev GL:  libgl-dev icu:  libicu-dev kdtree++: