Package: autopkgtest Version: 5.7 Severity: normal Tags: upstream Hi there,
We just had a misbehaving test which ended up accidentally dumping 6G+ of data in to ${AUTOPKGTEST_ARTIFACTS}. autopkgtest tried to copy this up and do the usual stuff with it, which ended up ENOSPCing the host. If this hadn't ENOSPCed, it would have continued to be bad because then we'd have tried to upload this to our cloud storage (swift), and the sysadmins wouldn't have liked that. :-) Suggestion: impose a (configurable, default 10M or so) limit on the artifacts directory, and error out if it's over limit. I'm not sure which error code should be used, mind you. Cheers, -- Iain Lane [ ] Debian Developer [ ] Ubuntu Developer [ ]