Bug#886799: fixing openafs kernel module for security updated kernel

2018-01-20 Thread Benjamin Kaduk
The SRU request for jessie is in #887857. I don't think there is a way to get a fix into jessie-backports, so I think we will need to remove openafs-modules-source and openafs-modules-dkms from jessie-backports and pull the version from buster into jessie-backports-sloppy (which will be a trip thr

Bug#886799: fixing openafs kernel module for security updated kernel

2018-01-11 Thread Benjamin Kaduk
Hi folks, Thanks for all the interest and proposed patches. I just want to note that the openafs fix will need to go through as a SRU (Stable Release Update), which requires preapproval from the stable release managers, and will not actually appear in stable/oldstable until the next point release.