Bug#795385: errors due to hddtemp dependency

2017-06-25 Thread tony mancill
Package: xfce4-sensors-plugin Version: 1.2.6-1+b1 Followup-For: Bug #795385 Dear Maintainer, Hi I'm not sure whether this information belongs with this bug report or whether I should reopen 670046 [1] and 685832 [2], given that the setuid dialog for hddtemp warning still occurs in stretch and bus

Bug#795385: errors due to hddtemp dependency

2015-08-13 Thread Michal Hocko
Package: xfce4-sensors-plugin Version: 1.2.6-1+b1 Severity: normal Hi, the sensors panel plugin complains about hddtemp becuase hddtemp doesn't have access right to read from /dev/sda. It suggests making the binary suid which I do not like, to say the least. Anyway the plugin doesn't depend on hdd