Bug#790184: lxterminal: depends on vte which is deprecated

2017-12-27 Thread Jeremy Bicha
Control: severity -1 serious Control: tags -1 -stretch We do not intend to release Debian 10 "Buster" with src: vte. Therefore, I am raising the severity of this bug. lxterminal now offers the option of compiling with gtk3. Please enable this option. The old vte 0.28 branch has not had a release

Bug#790184: lxterminal: depends on vte which is deprecated

2016-12-20 Thread Andriy Grytsenko
Thank you for a suggestion. While using new libs might be an advantage, libvte-2.91 uses GTK+ 3.0, while until now lxterminal package was using GTK+ 2.0 (as well as rest of LXDE components). Switch to GTK+ 3.0 is not much desirable since LXDE is positioned as a lightweight environment but GTK+ 3.0