Source: cg3
Version: 0.9.9~r10439-1
Severity: serious
Tags: patch
Justification: fails to build from source

cg3 does not build on Debian buildds.

This is because among the build dependencies there is:
  libboost1.48-dev | libboost-dev (>= 1.49.0)
given that on buildds only the first element of an OR is used (to make
sure the build does not change depending on temporary issues of the
alternatives), and that libboost1.48-dev does not exist.

The solution is to use libboost-dev only, with the minimum version
"lowered" to 1.48 (to include the former alternative option).
Patch attached for it.

--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Uploaders: Tino Didriksen <mail@tinodidr
            Kartik Mistry <>
 Build-Depends: cmake (>= 2.8.9),
                debhelper (>= 9.0),
-               libboost1.48-dev | libboost-dev (>= 1.49.0),
+               libboost-dev (>= 1.48),
                libicu-dev (>= 4.8)
 Standards-Version: 3.9.6

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