Control: tags 763198 + unreproducible moreinfo
On 10/02/2014 01:52 AM, Florian Weimer wrote:
> * Matt Taggart:
>> I am also seeing the problem in #763198 where debirf creation appears to be
>> broken with the new bash. cc'ing bash maintainer and security team, maybe
>> they will know if the p
* Matt Taggart:
> I am also seeing the problem in #763198 where debirf creation appears to be
> broken with the new bash. cc'ing bash maintainer and security team, maybe
> they will know if the problem is in debirf or the bash fix.
I think this is the result of the environment of a patched bash
I am also seeing the problem in #763198 where debirf creation appears to be
broken with the new bash. cc'ing bash maintainer and security team, maybe
they will know if the problem is in debirf or the bash fix.
Matt Taggart
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