Bug#747547: PasDoc description

2014-05-17 Thread Paul Gevers
Control: tags -1 pending I just uploaded the pasdoc package. It will soon land in the NEW queue [1] where it will be waiting for approval by the ftp-master(s). When it is processed, I want to start building the documentation of cge with this new package. Paul [1] https://ftp-master.debian.org/n

Bug#747547: PasDoc description

2014-05-11 Thread Michalis Kamburelis
You can remove the part "(up to Delphi 2006)" from the description (as PasDoc actually supports many of the language features found in latest Delphi versions, as well as FreePascal). Also, I just updated the PasDoc project page on SourceForge ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/pasdoc/ ), addin