Bug#710148: open-iscsi autopkgtests

2015-10-19 Thread Christian Seiler
Control: unblock -1 by 800845 Control: tags -1 + pending So in discussions with Martin Pitt (autopkgtest maintainer), I've decided not to merge this specific patch, because we both don't think that the 1kLOC python module added here is of sufficient quality. That said, autopkgtests are a good thin

Bug#710148: open-iscsi autopkgtests

2015-08-18 Thread Christian Seiler
Control: merge 710148 710261 Control: tags -1 + confirmed This patch adds ca. 1kLOC of generic python code to the open-iscsi package for testing (testlib.py). The same code has been added to 3 other packages already just as a carbon-copy. I think it would be far better to add testlib.py to the aut