antlib.xml is indeed in the jar, and the 'resource' attribute of the
taskdef task refers to a classpath entry. So there is no need to install
antlib.xml explicitly.
Emmanuel Bourg
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The bug report is not completely true. antlib.xml is part of the .jar
file and this is IMO the way it should be:
> jar -tvf /usr/share/java/ant-contrib.jar | grep antlib.xml
> 1847 Mon Jul 09 01:46:54 CEST 2012 net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml
I wonder if this report can be closed or if it should
I'm hitting this too. I can't hard-code /usr/share/java/ant-contrib.jar in my
build.xml because the project also needs to be built on non-Debian machines
(that put ant-contrib.jar elsewhere) too.
I'm working around this by bundling the ant-contrib jar in my project so that I
can reference it wi
Hello Yann,
Try this, it should work.
The documentation needs to be corrected
The ant-contrib jar is not added automatically to the Ant lib as it puts
more classes in the classpath, so risks of name clashes and version
mismatch are increased.
Yann Dirson a é
More info:
I tried to use antlib.xml by copying it and the jar to my project, but
adding the suggested block below:
... results in:
Buildfile: build.xml
[taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource .../antlib.xml. It
could not be found.
This happens both with abs
Package: ant-contrib
Version: 1.0~b3+svn177-1
/usr/share/doc/ant-contrib/manual/index.html advertises as the standard way to use
ant-contrib tasks, but no file by that name is present in the deb.
The whole src/main/resources/net/sf/antcontrib/ directory from the source
package should probably be
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