Bug#504705: [Pkg-fonts-devel] Bug#504705: python-fontforge: fontforge Revision 1.2945

2008-11-06 Thread Kęstutis Biliūnas
Hi Bug Filler, Kt, 2008 11 06 23:30 +0800, Bug Filler rašė: > Package: python-fontforge > Version: 0.0.20080927-1 Debian still hasn't the version such as that. So, we can't neither to answer something reasonable nor to fix this bug. I know only one place where you can find such package (on my per

Bug#504705: python-fontforge: fontforge Revision 1.2945

2008-11-06 Thread Bug Filler
Package: python-fontforge Version: 0.0.20080927-1 Followup-For: Bug #504705 I think it's explained by this fontforge revision comment: Revision 1.2945 - (download) Sun Nov 2 03:20:50 2008 UTC (4 days, 12 hours ago) by pfaedit Branch: MAIN Changes since 1.2944: +2 -2 lines Distributions