Bug#493661: maxima prints gnuplot warning when plotting

2008-08-06 Thread David Bremner
Thanks for your bug report, and the pointer to the patch. I have forwarded it to the maxima bug tracker; hopefully they will apply it soon. If not, we can revisit the question. You can find the forwarded report at https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2037659&group_id=4933

Bug#493661: maxima prints gnuplot warning when plotting

2008-08-03 Thread Andreas J. Guelzow
Subject: maxima prints gnuplot warning when plotting Package: maxima Version: 5.15.0-2 Severity: normal Tags: patch *** Please type your report below this line *** when plotting (with default gnuplot terminal or terminal set to ps to save the plot to a file) maxima yields the following: [EMAIL P