Bug#407387: closed by d+...@vdr.jp (Re: w3m corrupts binary downloads)

2010-08-11 Thread d+deb
reopen 407387 retitle 407387 w3m: not supporting chunked transfer encoding severity 407387 wishlist tags 407387 - unreproducible tags 407387 + upstream forcemerge 407387 560153 thanks On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 12:18:40AM -0400, Joe Thompson wrote: > In the intervening three and a half years, the ori

Bug#407387: closed by d+...@vdr.jp (Re: w3m corrupts binary downloads)

2010-08-11 Thread Joe Thompson
In the intervening three and a half years, the original system I reported this from is packed away at the moment, but testing using the latest version of w3m available on my other system (0.5.2 on Ubuntu) the problem still exists. It appears to be w3m (and various other command-line tools) not han