Bug#392370: rsync (Cygwin) can't overwrite read-only files on Samba share

2006-10-12 Thread Christian Perrier
Harald Dunkel a écrit : -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Sorry, but this doesn't help. For running our major server I need a fix for Sarge. An upgrade to Testing or Unstable is not possible. It would be very nice to increase the priority of this pr. I already get a lot of pressure

Bug#392370: rsync (Cygwin) can't overwrite read-only files on Samba share

2006-10-11 Thread Harald Dunkel
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Package: samba Version: 3.0.14a-3sarge2 To reproduce, export your home using samba [homes] read only = no create mask = 0644 directory mask = 0755 browseable = no guest ok = yes Mount this share on a Windows h