Bug#317928: aptitude: visual mode does not check terminal capabilities

2016-01-26 Thread Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo
Control: tags -1 + pending Hi, 2005-07-12 14:16 Sven Joachim: Package: aptitude Version: Severity: normal Aptitude fails to check if the terminal has the necessary capabilities when entering visual mode. I.e. it will happily start the visual interface on a dumb terminal, that is in

Bug#317928: aptitude: visual mode does not check terminal capabilities

2005-07-12 Thread Sven Joachim
Package: aptitude Version: Severity: normal Aptitude fails to check if the terminal has the necessary capabilities when entering visual mode. I.e. it will happily start the visual interface on a dumb terminal, that is in an Emacs shell buffer. It is not really usable then :-( and has t