Control: reassign -1
Please remove repsnapper. The maintainer agreed. It is the last reverse
dependency of gtkglextmm.
The last upstream release was in 2017 and the package has a low popcon.
Hi Bastian,
Yes. You can do it. Otherwise I'll do it later.
We don't need this package anymore in next release.
On 2023/9/24 01:03, Bastian Germann wrote:
Hi Paul,
On #1042739 you mentioned that repsnapper can be removed. Would it be okay to
file a RM bug?
Hi Paul,
On #1042739 you mentioned that repsnapper can be removed. Would it be okay to
file a RM bug?
Am 11.05.23 um 08:10 schrieb PaulLiu:
Why should this package be removed? Any replacement for using GL with GTK by a
C++ wrapper or C++-style?
The same reason as your #967724: GTK 2 should be removed in the long run.
You have to start somewhere and leaf packages of language bindings for gtk2 a
Hi Bastian,
I tried to build this package without gtkglextmm but it failed. Looking
into the code, it really uses gtkglextmm. For example, it uses Gtk::GL and
Why should this package be removed? Any replacement for using GL with GTK
by a C++ wrapper or C++-style?
I know I might rewrite a
Source: repsnapper
Control: block 967492 by -1
Please consider filing a remove bug for repsnapper.
It is one of the two last dependencies of gtkglextmm, which should be removed.
Maybe you can even build without it.
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