Bug#739745: fontconfig 2.11.0-3 and fontconfig-config_2.11.0-3 have duplicate file, broken pipe in dpkg

2014-02-22 Thread yus
Package: fontconfig-config Version: 2.11.0-2 Severity: important Dear mantainer: Upgrading system i found a minor bug, i belive, the archive '/usr/share/doc/fontconfig/fontconfig-user.html' is writed twice. one by fontconfig 2.11.0-3 and when I update to Fontconfig-config_2.11.0-3 the s

Bug#727735: rcconf: change in update-rc.d makes the package unuseful

2013-10-25 Thread yus
Package: rcconf Version: 2.5 Severity: important Dear Maintainer, Using rcconf I get the next results: # rcconf update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported; falling back to defaults update-rc.d: warning: start runlevel arguments (none) do not match exim4 Default-

Bug#713898: Tumbler segfaults on video files

2013-08-04 Thread yus
Package: tumbler Version: 0.1.29-1 Followup-For: Bug #713898 Dear Maintainer, I confirm previous messages about this bug:, in my case: [15524.040557] pool[4499]: segfault at 40 ip 7fd369f4e047 sp 7fd36555bc20 error 4 in tumbler-gst-thumbnailer.so[7fd369f4b000+5000] [15528.479114] pool[450

Bug#509181: Firefox crashes when navigating from a page implementing flash

2008-12-19 Thread Yus Budiyono
Subject: iceweasel: Firefox crashes when navigating from a page implementing flash Followup-For: Bug #450564 Package: iceweasel Version: *** Please type your report below this line *** Firefox crashes when navigating from a page implementing flash. Occurs at many site. -- System

Bug#347376: bricolage: dont run with standard instalation

2006-01-10 Thread yus
es. -- no debconf information Hi, bricolage simply dont starts, making : YuSeP:/home/yus# /etc/init.d/bricolage-cms start bric_apachectl start: starting httpd Syntax error on line 81 of /etc/bricolage/httpd.conf: Can't locate HTML/Template/Expr.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local