Bug#886377: (Why don't try to port GNU/Hurd, GNU/KFreeBSD on QL Sinclair with 68040/68060?)

2018-01-05 Thread pdb
Why don't try to port of: GNU/HURD, GNU/KFreeBSD on QL Sinclair with 68040 or 68060? (Paolo Del Bene) Have you ever thinked to port GNU/HURD and/or GNU/KFreeBSD on QL Sinclair with cpu 68040/68060? Awaiting for your reply as soon as possible, Greetings, Paolo Del Bene iw0fzw

Bug#857514: GNU/KFreeBSD on Sun Microsystems X2200 M2 AMD 64bit

2017-03-11 Thread pdb
msg to the list: i would like to know if i can install GNU/KFreeBSD on my Sun Microsystems X2200 M2 AMD 64 bit Quad Core 2.3 Ghz http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19121-01/sf.x2200m2/819-6597- 12/Chap1.html#50593805_45252 that you can see here: http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/NTMxWDE2MDA=/z/oF0AAOSwKfVXI2sh

Bug#779467: dpkg: start-stop-daemon sometimes exits with "_cpu_tick_frequency: no such symbol" on kFreeBSD

2015-03-05 Thread pdb
we will never see a stable version of GNU/KFreeBSD ? happy hacking paolo 2015-03-02 2:46 GMT+01:00, Jeff Epler : > Thank you for the speedy reply! > > Unfortunately, with your patch, start-stop-daemon crashes. > With valgrind (kfreebsd patches in stalled bug > https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bug

Bug#233870: Export different

2006-11-17 Thread PDB Palm
8387515 0607742 228222 6 1351321 3472550 2 6 4 011 51 1 3 1 0 3 1 02 3 1 2 7 5 0 4 7 7 660463 5 3 8 8 7720718 4 4 0 8 7