
2023-01-09 Thread khimaros
i believe this has been fixed in the upstream shim-15.7 release: https://github.com/rhboot/shim/commit/4d64389c6c941d21548b06423b8131c872e3c3c7

Bug#1004514: grub-common: background images don't work with luks encrypted lvm root partition

2022-01-29 Thread khimaros
Package: grub-common Version: 2.04-20 Severity: important Tags: upstream the core issue is that grub-probe is not reporting cryptodisk abstraction when the block device below the lvm is luks encrypted. /usr/share/grub/grub-mkconfig_lib relies on this output to decide whether to create the backg


2022-01-26 Thread khimaros
the scripts linked above were not working for me. i've modified them to work with the latest release of debsecan and included a bit more background, prerequisites, and detailed instructions in this gist: https://gist.github.com/khimaros/21db936fa7885360f7bfe7f116b78daf

Bug#945404: Information

2020-03-04 Thread khimaros
I don't believe this is a problem specific to NVMe, as my working machine has an NVMe drive. The working installation is quite old as is the case with the reporter. The working machine was upgraded in place from stretch. The original installation medium was: ``` # cat /var/log/installer/lsb-rel