Bug#532470: libpam-ldap: pt_BR.po
pt_BR.po Description: Binary data
Bug#532470: update to libpam-ldap: pt_BR.po
Changed 'entre com' to 'informe' in line 29 to uniformize with the rest of the document. pt_BR.po Description: Binary data
Bug#407412: #407412: dlocate: '-s' option ignores virtual packages.
On Sat, 17 Feb 2007 21:25:20 -0500, "A. Costa" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: >% dlocate -s mail-transport-agent >The virtual package 'mail-transport-agent' is now installed as the >actual package 'exim4-daemon-light'. >Run 'dlocate -s exim4-daemon-light' for more information. How abou