Bug#635519: php-zeroc-ice: more infos of missing files

2011-07-28 Thread forscher
Package: php-zeroc-ice Version: 3.4.2-3 Severity: normal I have to correct me. The directory of the missing tranlated ice-to-php files, php files of the source and subdirectories is /usr/share/Ice-3.4.2/php/ The complete list of missing files/subdirectories of this directory: IceGrid.php IcePa

Bug#635519: php-zeroc-ice: missing several php-files of source like Ice.PHP and generated PHPs of ICEs

2011-07-26 Thread forscher
Package: php-zeroc-ice Version: 3.4.2-3 Severity: normal WebInterfaces for mumble-server like phpMumbleAdmin 0.3.8 can use ICE 3.4 to communicate. These need the Ice.PHP file and others. The missing files would be unter /usr/share/Ice-3.4.2/php/lib: Glacier2.php IceGrid.php IcePatch2.php IceSt