wrong test case...
On Sun, 13 Aug 2017 17:16:25 +0200, Andreas Hoenen
ben.guillon wrote:
Hi Benoît,
Thanks for the patch, it is definitely an improvement, as it succeeds
for the example document bad-title.xml. However success or failure
seems to depend on the non-asc
This bug was not so easy to fix, since it is related to conversion from
UTF8 chars to valid latex strings. Please find attach a patch. BTW, the
behaviour of xmllint with xinclude, postvalid option, and so on, is quite
weird as shown by Andreas: on y machine it does not give the same res
I have a test case that reproduces the problem without any dblatex
dependency. See attached. I guess it is hyperref and babel interaction
that is wrong, since " is active for babel, and the problem occurs when
put in section like commands like \caption, \section and so on. Tested
In the zip I've downloaded from gitub I've seen only two warnings (git
clone too long here). Looking at the freeculture.nb.xml file produced,
there are two "endofrange" for the same index:
class='startofrange'>universitetdatanettverk, p2p-fildeling
Hi Andreas,
Why not simply the attached patch? It seems to work here.
BTW, using bookmark fixes the section level, but the chapter numbering
problem is still there: the chapter counter is absolute whatever in or out
of a part. It also explains why the TOC does not indent chapter lines
12 +0200, Andreas Hoenen
W. Martin Borgert wrote:
Quoting ben.guillon :
> To avoid this, i force the label in the following workaround. Can
you try it
> in db2latex env? Seems to work in the default docbook style.
Seems to work perfectly, many thanks!
Hi Andreas,
The problem does not comme from the nestedquote character definitions, but
from the quote template that should take into account the nestings. Please
find attached a patch that should fix the bug.
this is caused by dblatex which for french documents uses the
Hi Andreas,
On Wed, 06 Jan 2010 21:22:26 +0100, Andreas Hoenen
attached are a provisional patch for backslash characters in filenames
I'd prefer you use the attached patch: no need to another dependency, and
it is fixed by the template in charge to handle nolinkurl (and not
8 matches
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