Bug#1087410: mirror submission for mirrors.ic.unicamp.br

2024-11-12 Thread Julio Avelar and Carlos Melara
/ Archive-rsync: debian/ Maintainer: Julio Avelar and Carlos Melara Country: BR Brazil Location: Unicamp Comment: Julio's email is julio.ave...@students.ic.unicamp.br. He's also maintainer and is available on-site while I do have ssh access. Trace Url: http://mirrors.ic.unicamp

Bug#1072233: من الي

2024-09-12 Thread And ar lio ١
12.12 0460

Bug#1004466: Upstream defect

2022-02-12 Thread Peter Lynch and Cathy Swanson
An upstream defect has been logged at https://github.com/fail2ban/fail2ban/issues/3211

Bug#644728: DID YOU GET IT?

2020-05-01 Thread Smith and Associates
Dear Sir, Did you get my previous email about you deceased relatives estate? Paul Smith Smith and Associates Tampa Florida U.S.A

Bug#150137: DID YOU GET IT?

2020-05-01 Thread Smith and Associates
Dear Sir, Did you get my previous email about you deceased relatives estate? Paul Smith Smith and Associates Tampa Florida U.S.A


2020-04-25 Thread Smith and Associates
Dear Sir, Did you get my previous email about you deceased relatives estate? Paul Smith Smith and Associates Tampa Florida U.S.A


2020-04-25 Thread Smith and Associates
Dear Sir, Did you get my previous email about you deceased relatives estate? Paul Smith Smith and Associates Tampa Florida U.S.A


2020-04-25 Thread Smith and Associates
Dear Sir, Did you get my previous email about you deceased relatives estate? Paul Smith Smith and Associates Tampa Florida U.S.A

Bug#951188: dpkg ldconfig, start-stop-daemon not found in PATH. solved edit /root/.bashrc add end of file PATH

2020-02-11 Thread dpkg error with warning ldconfig and start-stop-daemon
y contain /usr/local/sbin, /usr/sbin and /sbin. E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2). I Solved edit file /root/.bashrc , and end of file add line :"export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" * What was the outcome of this action?

Bug#815477: Invitation for GIS in Climate Change, Food Security and Agriculture Training

2020-01-27 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZ5WbaW6cjMh1aXBolm9oXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5xVk5VtaZSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tlnWxpV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#853884: Invitation for GIS in Climate Change, Food Security and Agriculture Training

2020-01-27 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZ5WcaGeZjMh1aXBolm9oXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5xVk5VtaZSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tlnWxpV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#909495: Invitation for Data Management and Analysis with SAS Training

2020-01-24 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpqaaGuajMh1aXBnlW5oXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5lVkpttapSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tlmXFjV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#861789: Invitation for Data Management and Analysis with SAS Training

2020-01-23 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpqXZHCZjMh1aXBnlW1xXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5lVkpptapSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tlmXFiV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#805966: Invitation for Data Management and Analysis with SAS Training

2020-01-23 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpqXZG6VjMh1aXBnlW1xXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5lVkpptapSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tlmXFiV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#877715: Invitation for Data Management and Analysis with SAS Training

2020-01-23 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpqWY2-djMh1aXBnlW1wXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5lVkpltbJSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tlmXFhV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#867565: Invitation for Data Management and Analysis with SAS Training

2020-01-23 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpqVamyVjMh1aXBnlW1wXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5lVkpltbJSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tlmXFhV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#914606: Invitation for Data Management and Analysis with SAS Training

2020-01-23 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpqVZWeWjMh1aXBnlW1wXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5lVkpltbJSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tlmXFhV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#861789: Invitation for Advanced Excel Formulas and Functions Training

2020-01-22 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpeVZ3CXjMh1aXBmlmpsXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5dVk5ZtbJSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tllW9lV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#861790: Invitation for Advanced Excel Formulas and Functions Training

2020-01-22 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpeVbGeVjMh1aXBmlmpsXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5dVk5ZtbJSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tllW9lV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#888498: Invitation for Advanced Excel Formulas and Functions Training

2020-01-22 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpeVaWiXjMh1aXBmlmpsXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5dVk5ZtbJSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tllW9lV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#910368: Invitation for Advanced Excel Formulas and Functions Training

2020-01-22 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpaca2ybjMh1aXBmlmpoXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5dVk5VtbJSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tllW9jV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#913038: Invitation for Advanced Excel Formulas and Functions Training

2020-01-22 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZpacbGqUjMh1aXBmlmpoXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5dVk5VtbJSglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tllW9jV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#564857: Invitation for Data Management and Analysis with SPSS Training

2020-01-20 Thread Training in Analysis, M&E, Data Collection and GIS and Consulting Services
/mXNkbFrGdmJoZWpnll3IoWeZZZqWZmyXjMh1aXBllG9pXJVxZYqfbmNjZmSSZ5aRZ5VVk5VtZ5SglGhYnm6VX6BzY2tkmnBlV59xmdNd1aFmi6ifyKCilJmSm6Gk Foscore Development Center Welcome to Foscore Development Center, we are a global training and consulting firm that has been assisting organizations and individuals to achieve

Bug#948157: /usr/bin/notify-send: notify-send message does not show anything

2020-01-04 Thread Ric And
Package: libnotify-bin Version: 0.7.8-1 Severity: important File: /usr/bin/notify-send Dear Maintainer, * What led up to the situation? installing libnotify and issuing command "notify-send message" * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or ineffective)

Bug#940042: gimp: GIMP crashed with a fatal error: fatal error: Speicherzugriffsfehler when opening a picture

2019-09-11 Thread Ric And
Package: gimp Version: 2.10.8-2+b1 Severity: normal ``` GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.10.8 git-describe: GIMP_2_10_6-294-ga967e8d2c2 C compiler: Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=gcc COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/lto-wrapper OFFLOAD_

Bug#940008: gimp: GIMP crashed with a fatal error: fatal error: Speicherzugriffsfehler

2019-09-10 Thread Ric And
Package: gimp Version: 2.10.8-2+b1 Severity: normal ``` GNU Image Manipulation Program version 2.10.8 git-describe: GIMP_2_10_6-294-ga967e8d2c2 C compiler: Using built-in specs. COLLECT_GCC=gcc COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/lto-wrapper OFFLOAD_

Bug#926077: ITP: golang-github-xrash-smetrics -- String metrics library written in Go.

2019-03-31 Thread White and Black
/xrash/smetrics * License : Expat Programming Lang: Go Description : String metrics library written in Go. String metrics This library contains implementations of the Levenshtein distance, Jaro-Winkler and Soundex algorithms written in Go (golang).

Bug#913317: mirror submission for repositorio.nti.ufal.br

2018-11-09 Thread Network and Infrastructure at NTI
Package: mirrors Severity: wishlist User: mirr...@packages.debian.org Usertags: mirror-submission Submission-Type: new Site: repositorio.nti.ufal.br Type: leaf Archive-architecture: amd64 i386 Archive-http: /debian/ Archive-rsync: debian/ Maintainer: Network and Infrastructure at NTI Country: BR

Bug#912571: mirror listing update for repositorio.nti.ufal.br

2018-11-01 Thread Network and Infrastructure
Package: mirrors Severity: minor User: mirr...@packages.debian.org Usertags: mirror-list Submission-Type: update Site: repositorio.nti.ufal.br Type: leaf Archive-architecture: amd64 i386 Archive-http: /debian/ Archive-rsync: debian/ Maintainer: Network and Infrastructure Country: BR Brazil

Bug#907059: mirror submission for repositorio.nti.ufal.br

2018-08-23 Thread Network and Infrastructure
Package: mirrors Severity: wishlist User: mirr...@packages.debian.org Usertags: mirror-submission Submission-Type: new Site: repositorio.nti.ufal.br Type: leaf Archive-architecture: amd64 i386 Archive-http: /debian/ Archive-rsync: debian/ Maintainer: Network and Infrastructure Country: BR Brazil

Bug#904203: simba: Database install fails

2018-07-21 Thread Ric And
ineffective)? aptitude install * What was the outcome of this action? "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)" * What outcome did you expect instead? asking me for the mysql root

Bug#841887: reportbug: PPTP and VPN L2TP can not be connected, can be connected after reboot

2016-10-24 Thread PPTP and L2TP VPN can not connect
this action? * What outcome did you expect instead? *** End of the template - remove these lines *** -- Package-specific info: ** Environment settings: INTERFACE="text" ** /root/.reportbugrc: reportbug_version "6.4.4" mode standard ui text realname "PPTP and L2TP VPN

Bug#823577: Patches

2016-05-06 Thread Jump and Spin to Win
return -errno; + +if (chown(fs, uid, (gid_t) -1) < 0) +return -errno; + +return 1; +} + int cg_create_and_attach(const char *controller, const char *path, pid_t pid) { int r, q; @@ -1622,6 +1643,33 @@ int cg_create_everywhere(CGroupControlle

Bug#785714: kexec-tools is broken when using systemd, danger of filesystem corruption

2016-03-02 Thread Khalid Aziz and Shuah Khan
On 02/26/2016 01:13 PM, Daniel Baumann wrote: > Hi, > > thanks for maintaining kexec-tools, however, kexec-tools reliably and > reproducibly trashes my root filesystem *on* *every* *reboot*. > > can this be finally fixed please? > > Regards, > Daniel > Hi Da

Bug#804914: mirror listing update for ftp.utexas.edu

2015-11-12 Thread ITS Networking and Telecom Services
: /debian-cd/ CDImage-rsync: debian-cd/ IPv6: no Archive-upstream: ftp.us.debian.org CDImage-upstream: debian.osuosl.org Updates: twice Maintainer: ITS Networking and Telecom Services Country: US United States Location: Austin, TX , United States Sponsor: The University of Texas at Austin http

Bug#774623: Suspected bug in function printf()

2015-01-05 Thread Dennis and Wendy
Time = 4.000" 10. newline Etc What actually happens: 1. wait 2 seconds 2. print "Loop number1** Time = 2.000" 3. newline 4. wait 2 seconds Etc test3.c is exactly the same as test2.c with one exception: the printf("*") is repla

Bug#762274: ITP: libx11-keybord-perl -- Keyboard support functions for X11

2014-09-20 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
Description : Keyboard support functions for X11 X11::Keyboard is meant to provide access to the keyboard functions of X11. . Whilst the functions names are essentially identical to those used in xlib (minus the prepended X), the parameter lists and return values are different as specified in the

Bug#740070: 740070

2014-06-12 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
even if i want to contribute pathches and etc i don't have a mainframe to recompile all breakage and... the ammount of breakage is too daunting to shake a stick at -- this was NOT the state of things when the last era of maintainers "inheirited" cha

Bug#740070: sendmail orphaned

2014-06-12 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
yes me to i used to use sendmail in past for internet mail and or local mail. there never was a "problem" except that certain people (who are promoting other mail programs) keep trying to destroy it. i'm not a maintainer (yet? i have no passwords microsoft didn't steal

Bug#684241: Bug #684241 must be fixed in wheezy

2014-02-13 Thread and...@terentiev.org
After installation of wheezy on my new Samsung laptop I found that HDD spins up and down about 3 times per minute. This significantly slows down disk I/O (and overall system performance). As I think, some laptop users may be unable to identify problem source, ignore this bug, or switch to

Bug#711440: mirror listing update for debian.cites.illinois.edu

2013-06-06 Thread Chris Kuehn and Daniel Lewart
: mirrors.kernel.org Updates: four Maintainer: Chris Kuehn and Daniel Lewart Country: US United States Location: Urbana, IL Sponsor: University of Illinois http://illinois.edu/ Comment: Changes only to: * Archive-ftp: /debian/ * Archive-http: /debian/ * CDImage-ftp: /debian-cd/ * CDImage

Bug#711092: mirror listing update for debian.cites.illinois.edu

2013-06-04 Thread Chris Kuehn and Daniel Lewart
CDImage-upstream: mirrors.kernel.org Updates: four Maintainer: Chris Kuehn and Daniel Lewart Country: US United States Location: Urbana, IL Sponsor: University of Illinois http://illinois.edu/ Comment: Should the Backports packages section of this form be removed? -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian

Bug#705971: debian-installer hangs when tty console in use (console-setup)

2013-04-23 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
> What do you mean by "a TTY console during the installation"? Lowering the severity anyway as I don't think this is a bug (if one) that affects all installs. With all the install problems reports? I would certainly expect having to open up a shell to fix things to install MORE THAN EVER.

Bug#692309: installation-guide: 3.6.2. Boot Device Selection: Booting debian-installer from a USB stick

2012-11-05 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
i like anything that helps fresh meat install without hours of crap ! :) personaly i wish you could add this in "contributions" as working with a particular version of debian (an important aspect for dist. tars) and do so without allot of admin approval. thanks all, -- John Br

Bug#337586: You have exceeded the email quota limit

2012-06-09 Thread Data Analysis and Social Inquiry Lab
You have exceeded the email quota limit of 450MB and you need to expand the e-mail quota before the next 48 hours.if you do not update your e-mail account in 2012, you must do it now. You can expand 1GB email quota limit, use the following web link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform

Bug#669605: debootstrap can't install base-files and base-passwd

2012-04-23 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
hi i'm not a DM yea but the script installs awk/mawk before any depends and it gets in reguardless. try not calling out awk as depends since that is pre-scripted (it's to get dpkg running i think) why force didn't work i'm unsure Have Fun ! -- John Adrian Ban wrote:

Bug#657520: mirror listing update for ftp.df.lth.se

2012-01-26 Thread Computer society at Lund University and Lund Institute of Technology
CDImage-upstream: ftp.se.debian.org Updates: twice Maintainer: Computer society at Lund University and Lund Institute of Technology Country: SE Sweden Location: Lund, Sweden Sponsor: Computer society at Lund University and Lund Institute of Technology http://www.df.lth.se -- To UNSUBSCRIBE

Bug#653406: GRUB2 2 many problems ?

2012-01-15 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
grub-mkrescue images can be dd'ed to floppy when small enough (--compression=xz --diet AFAIR) Yes it can. And you can insmod and boot. It's just an unusable pain without a dependancy resolver (which won't dd due to code choices in grub2 additions, rather it will but part b

Bug#653406: GRUB2 2 many problems ?

2012-01-15 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
Thank you Vladimir, WOW it's been ages since I left that message. Incidentally I did save some error messages (as it so happens it's still in a file in a dump of something else). See further below. I can neither get it on floppy or HD, and none of 3 installers I installed FRESH f

Bug#655050: realpath: oops - /dir/file/.. wrong output pretty sure!

2012-01-08 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
ing file like a dir) What $SHELL do you use? Is it mksh or some other one? bash, zsh, ksh, ash, report: SHELL=/bin/sh and csh, shell /bin/tcsh [ -f /README/.. ] && echo hi Yes all these shells no difference, same error, shell subst. is not a lead here snippy:~> [

Bug#653406: GRUB2 2 many problems ?

2011-12-27 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
e debian's instructions or FAQ for it please? I see allot of internet questions online and no one sayign they got it to work. And I can't find the Debian's Install guide but guide has solicitation to "use super grub" or "Grml" (neither of which install grub2 on

Bug#651414: gnome-keyring: fails to connect to socket when running updates

2011-12-22 Thread mike and bud
i use gnome it just says failed to connect to socket and continues to update that's about all i can give you it is a 64 bit computer -Original Message- From: Michael Biebl [mailto:bi...@debian.org] Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 3:35 PM To: 651...@bugs.debian.org; 651414-s

Bug#652672: busybox: modprobe does not handle builtins

2011-12-20 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
Put code in a kernel but don't want kernel params, sysctl, /proc, or /sysfs to wake it? Instead wishing modprobe will wake it ?? Sorry I interrupted :) - John Unlike the modprobe utility from module-init-tools, busybox' version fails for built-in modules: -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to d

Bug#652672: busybox: modprobe does not handle builtins

2011-12-19 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
I hate to say anything no knowing the full story. I was just installing. The initrd.gz off netinst CD does has depmod. If you use it then your ext4 module loads right? Without depmod you could edit the modules.dep et al files with nano and that should work too, if I remember correctly. I

Bug#649274: Forming a new upstream for timidity (and reporting various issues with current deb pkg)

2011-11-19 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
"If timidity doesn't get IPv6 support soon" ? I don't see IPv6 as important. It's a major maintenance burden (a hack to firewall, configure, ...), IPSs use it to dominate ISP sales, and so far no one claims to have a final spec on it. when is IPv4 over IPv6 a si

Bug#468209: Towards multi-arch: "Multi-Arch: same" file conflicts

2011-11-19 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
not that i'm multi-lingual (i use google to translate!) don't we get all .mo avail. in packages already? (i hope) # locate "*.mo" | wc 13341 13341 648305 ... and if build/tar admins say "choose another method" why not try asking them what? can't

Bug#648511: screen: fails to install

2011-11-12 Thread mike and bud
screen Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done screen is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2 not fully installed or removed. After this operation, 0 B of additional disk space will be

Bug#646869: console-data: Keyboard layout selection during

2011-10-30 Thread Orgad and Raizel Shaneh
> Hmmm, anyone in position to try the same with Arabic? I suspect this > might be related to RTL more than Hebrew itself. Seems to work in Arabic. <>

Bug#633388: apt-cache dotty goof ??

2011-07-14 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
Debian Bug Tracking System wrote: Thank you for the additional information you have supplied regarding this Bug report. This is an automatically generated reply to let you know your message has been received. Your message is being forwarded to the package maintainers and other interested

Bug#633388: cupt: please handle upgrades skipping a release better

2011-07-12 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
Jonathan Nieder wrote: John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell wrote: As to skipping releases - we can't all be continual updaters :) But you can use http://archive.debian.org/, no? :) funny. but hey! I cna't access my government without an updated web browser. it can lead to R

Bug#633388: cupt: please handle upgrades skipping a release better D

2011-07-12 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
Eugene V. Lyubimkin wrote: [ dropped debian-dpkg, since the question is on the level higher, as Jonathan IIRC pointed already in threads on debian-dpkg@ ] Hi Jonathan, John and Sara, On 2011-07-09 20:12, John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell wrote: [...] The heuristic, roughly speaking, is

Bug#633388: cupt: please handle upgrades skipping a release better D

2011-07-09 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
es, a better fix would be to teach package managers or a wrapper tool the constraint "the only supported upgrade paths are stable->anything and release N to release N+1" so you could list them all in sources.list and watch the Right Thing happen. But let's consider the possibility that

Bug#622894: xserver-xorg: VT switching does not work.

2011-04-15 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
rununtil you get it sorted out why... there are program(s) to refresh vga text mode / save restore vesa. run it and you'll have your text terminal. note because VT depends on kernel etc you problem might depend on how you start x, not just X drivers or a flaky video card Enno D

Bug#615975: Bug 615975

2011-04-14 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
diagnosis by deletion ?? "it seemed to work after deletion". that's crazy - simply crazy. an it should be there if the wrong thing is on 7100 of course of course. people manage that themselves if the new XML font junk fails to - delete it it will be back in Stuart Scharf wrote: I also

Bug#622750: general: "shutdown -r" does not reboot

2011-04-14 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
dang I didnt' read all. you should only see that for entering runlevel one. are you sure you didn't reboot ? sulogin prints that message mabye it's because you specified no time? it is remotely possible new init scripts somehow get you to runlevel 1, init(1) invokes sulogin

Bug#622750: general: "shutdown -r" does not reboot

2011-04-14 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
I'm not a debian bug handler but... try "shutdown -t0 -r now" and re-submit if it doesn't work (I think specifying time is required?) Christoph Pleger wrote: Package: general Severity: normal Hello, when I am logged in (by ssh or on tty1-tty6) as root on the machine whe

Bug#621835: xmodmap -e 'remove lock = Caps_Lock' no longer works.

2011-04-10 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
I use xmodmap. No way is it obsolete. It's who's job? To break unix software by making time honored standards "obsolete" a little at a time? - John jida...@jidanni.org wrote: OK, setxkbmap -option caps:none worked. Thanks! "CB" == Cyril Brulebois writes: CB> Well, nobody bothered to se

Bug#619033: xserver-xorg-video-intel: External screen shakes

2011-03-20 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
but you can set the sync modes before X startup or after - so saying it is UBUNTU's error is wrong. it is Ubuntu's correctness to use the better frequencies maybe VERY NORMAL. I have used vga extended cables or switchbox, but not with that exact card - and using them reduces quali

Bug#618622: crash when resizing screen while running a fullscreen application

2011-03-18 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
Why blame X ? many desktops / window managers will send X a HUP signal on exit. a bad application might even do it. First show was closed by UNIX or X itself decided to exit. Michal Suchanek wrote: Package: xserver-xorg-core Version: 2: Followup-For: Bug #618622 Still a proble

Bug#617969: xserver-xorg-core: Weird behavior/crash with specific usage

2011-03-15 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
ules you might not need 2) your loading modules you don't have 3) how to run in a more basic / stable mode until you get things figured out. You'll have to ask someone else how exactly not to load 3D because I don't use Xorg and I don't have a radeon chipset video card. You

Bug#616010: xserver-xorg: dexconf fails to generate xorg.conf file

2011-03-14 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
stupid but I must say... the video triangle (chip interfaces, documentation, sheer number of "new plans" and lack of drivers) is worse than the bermuda triangle ! Julien Viard de Galbert wrote: CCing the bug Back, I guess your point of view might be shared by other users. On M

Bug#617969: xserver-xorg-core: Weird behavior/crash with specific usage

2011-03-13 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
try a "known good" video card in or with the same system. Alternatively if you can't try a different card maybe you can try known good graphics apps that use the same ammount of video memory and see if there are problems. But that is mostly the same as re-installing. Your not "

Bug#617208: never mind

2011-03-08 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
when gdm3 is used. As libxt/1:1.1.0-2 fixes the problem (which appeared with the upgrade to libxt/1:1.1.0-1) and other terminals didn't have any problem, I assume this is the same bug. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubs

Bug#617208: Fails if started by init

2011-03-08 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
gin should - but I don't know. by the way XAUTHORITY may not be an export when you think it is - and maybe it shouldn't be (reasons omitted) you can use xauth it is simple to use Vincent Lefevre wrote: On 2011-03-08 11:31:00 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote: [adding Thomas to Cc, as this

Bug#617208: Fails if started by init

2011-03-08 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
xterm] FYI, libxt/1:1.1.0-1 also breaks xterm: XAUTHORITY is removed from the environment, meaning that I can no longer start X applications from xterm when gdm3 is used. As libxt/1:1.1.0-2 fixes the problem (which appeared with the upgrade to libxt/1:1.1.0-1) and other terminals didn't have a

Bug#616301: xserver-xorg-video-radeon:screen goes black, system hangs after 2sec:[youtube(FF/Opera)-reset req.]

2011-03-06 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
of course if you ask and have that command. just ask I'm actually not planning on being in the channel long. someone might find me! he he. Question. can I ask what top-post is? I will look it up too. debian rules are getting rather long to even have heard about even having read a

Bug#616301: xserver-xorg-video-radeon:screen goes black, system hangs after 2sec:[youtube(FF/Opera)-reset req.]

2011-03-06 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
27;s on a standard 1½-year old Dell OptiPlex 780 desktop with a Radeon HD card (one of the standard configurations) and this is on a stock squeeze system. The findings so far seem to suggest this is a Mesa issue; I'd probably file it under "Linux kernel bugs" (or even DoS bugs) but

Bug#616511: xserver-xorg-video-vesa: Blank screen on ATI R580

2011-03-04 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
I'll restate the obvious. note I'm not part of xserver-xorg-video-vesa team - so look for more answers. make sure your linux kernel has radeon support. make sure X loads the modules. make sure X.org supports the chipset that is actually on the card. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bug

Bug#615959: happens more often

2011-03-04 Thread John D. Hendrickson and Sara Darnell
he problem had too many details to see in a glance. I would guess someone already asked you to recheck libs. John Hendrickson Johannes Berg wrote: It seems that this problem isn't just confined to libreoffice. I've also had it happen with abiword and gimp now, with no particular spec

Bug#245995: days days Museum War agreed research

2010-09-23 Thread bivalves of and
also station A began is and -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/debian-bugs-dist

Bug#118646: stored Voice of Politics a EAN to

2010-09-23 Thread snowfall this and
check about The aspects law -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/debian-bugs-dist

Bug#304961: contrast Chinese short rule Examples because

2010-09-22 Thread and Longyin this
mainly the the -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/debian-bugs-dist

Bug#82600: brother inadmissible Yorkshire were council experiencing

2010-09-22 Thread couples From and
Department both of Hurling their Gail supplied blood -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/debian-bugs-dist

Bug#196189: protein a models three and Digital Rosatom

2010-09-22 Thread World London and
Russian robbery his northeast Jennifer allowed terms International -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org Archive: http://lists.debian.org/debian-bugs-dist

Bug#240091: be had One are when and

2010-09-21 Thread and J Institute
Modern English is the direct descendant of Middle English, itself a direct descendant of Old English, a descendant of Proto-Germanic. Encyclopedia of Indian Cinema, 2nd revised edition. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject of "unsubscribe". Troub

Bug#585153: cups-pdf: Sets too restrictive permissions on /usr/lib/cups/backend

2010-06-19 Thread Dale and Cheryl Schroeder
I also noticed the restrictive permissions and then found this bug report. Changing the permissions back to 755 does allow printing to work again, but the changelog <http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/c/cups-pdf/cups-pdf_2.5.0-15/changelog#versionversion2.5.0-15> considers

Bug#570268: sky2 fails when memory exceeds 2GB on amd64 kernel

2010-02-19 Thread Dale and Cheryl Schroeder
I tested another network card, a Netgear GA311 which uses the r8169 driver. With this card, all 4GB of memory is recognized and the system successfully boots. This would seem to rule out the BIOS and points to sky2 on the Marvell m/b chip being my problem. Obviously, the new card doesn&#

Bug#528461: Learn to Make up to 50cet in crude oil export and other commodities

2010-02-01 Thread Greenland Oil and Gas
We welcome you to year 2010. Be part of our success story this year, you are on to a great opportunity for you to make up to 50cent per barrel of Crude oil and other export commodities market deal. Learn how to do this trade now call: +447011153228-enroute +2348059462496/+2348035275550

Bug#557291: dmesg output

2009-11-20 Thread First and Second Name
I also have this issue, i found this: [ 11.698919] Synaptics Touchpad, model: 1, fw: 6.3, id: 0x1a0b1, caps: 0xa04713/0x20 [ 11.806376] input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input10 [ 144.250065] psmouse.c: TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at

Bug#550632: Possible Fix for the Issue

2009-11-11 Thread First and Second Name
I also have this issue on my intel based dv9000, it seems to be a bios issue. This patched was created by phcoder in #grub on irc.freenode.net --- Orig/grub2-1.97+experimental.20091026/kern/i386/pc/startup.S 2009-10-26 01:05:30.0 + +++ V04/grub2-1.97+experimental.20091026/kern/i386/pc/

Bug#542461: phpldapadmin: PHP Errors with PHP Debug Backtrace

2009-08-25 Thread Dale and Cheryl Schroeder
Marc, Thanks for the input. There have been so many "testing" updates lately that I wasn't sure where the problem originated. I only knew that one of several php programs didn't work. I'm hesitant to downgrade because everything else is working, and there are

Bug#520725: kbluetooth not start from user

2009-03-22 Thread and...@gala.net
package: kbluetooth version: 1.0~beta8-5 kbluetooth does not start from user, only from root how to solve: need to add user in group netdev I'm using Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 (Lenny), kernel 2.6.26-1-686-bigmem -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org with a subject

Bug#504134: JOB OFFER

HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT HALLIBURTON OIL AND GAS (MALAYSIA) 11th Floor, Menara Tan & Tan 207, Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Tel: +60 1436 27161 ATTN: APPLICANT INTERNATIONAL EXPATRIATE OFFICIAL JOB ONLINE INTERVIEW Your name has been shortlisted/Chosen among the Lucky expatri

Bug#515853: JOB OFFER

HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT HALLIBURTON OIL AND GAS (MALAYSIA) 11th Floor, Menara Tan & Tan 207, Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Tel: +60 1436 27161 ATTN: APPLICANT INTERNATIONAL EXPATRIATE OFFICIAL JOB ONLINE INTERVIEW Your name has been shortlisted/Chosen among the Lucky expatri

Bug#504134: JOB OFFER

HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT HALLIBURTON OIL AND GAS (MALAYSIA) 11th Floor, Menara Tan & Tan 207, Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Tel: +60 1436 27161 ATTN: APPLICANT INTERNATIONAL EXPATRIATE OFFICIAL JOB ONLINE INTERVIEW Your name has been shortlisted/Chosen among the Lucky expatri

Bug#515853: JOB OFFER

HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT HALLIBURTON OIL AND GAS (MALAYSIA) 11th Floor, Menara Tan & Tan 207, Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur MALAYSIA Tel: +60 1436 27161 ATTN: APPLICANT INTERNATIONAL EXPATRIATE OFFICIAL JOB ONLINE INTERVIEW Your name has been shortlisted/Chosen among the Lucky expatri

Bug#279246: Call for Papers/Reviewers

2009-02-16 Thread Philosophical Papers and Reviews
Philosophical Papers and Reviews www.academicjournals.org/PPR Dear Colleague, *Introducing '**Philosophical Papers and Reviews **(PPR)'* The *Philosophical Papers and Reviews *(PPR) publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in all areas of the subject. Al

Bug#279246: Call for Papers/Reviewers

2009-02-16 Thread Philosophical Papers and Reviews
Philosophical Papers and Reviews www.academicjournals.org/PPR Dear Colleague, *Introducing '**Philosophical Papers and Reviews **(PPR)'* The *Philosophical Papers and Reviews *(PPR) publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles, in all areas of the subject. Al

Bug#509934: nbd-server missing LSB information

2008-12-27 Thread Trail And Error
Package: nbd-server Version: 1:2.9.11-1 While installing nbd-server (new install of lenny, base-system, xorg, kde-core, ltsp-server-standalone)): update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/nbd-server missing LSB information [...] -- Pt! Schon vom neuen GMX MultiMessenger gehört? Der kann`s mit alle

Bug#463207: gnomesword: new version available

2008-09-26 Thread Michael and Nicole Freeman
Gnomesword is now up to version 2.4.0, however we still have a two year old 2.2.3 which is lacking some great features of the newer version. Too many versions have gone by without a Debian update, in my opinion. -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Tr

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