On 16.12.2016 20:02, Dominique Dumont wrote:
On Wednesday, 14 December 2016 10:54:16 CET Boyuan Yang wrote:
The original messy output, as indicated in screenshot in the Ubuntu bug,
looks  like treating a latin-1-encoded binary data as UTF-8-encoded data
and showing them anyway.
In more details, the problematic code boils down to:

  my $wnck_screen = Gnome2::Wnck::Screen->get_default;
  my $win= $wnck_screen->get_windows_stacked; # Gnome2::Wnck object
  my $name = $win->get_name;
  my $window_item = Gtk2::ImageMenuItem->new_with_label( $name );

$name contains window name apparently in octet format instead of an utf8
string. As a consequence, the list of windows shown by shutter contains
Yes, Gnome2::Wnck does not do any decoding at all in get_name.  This is 
probably by accident, not by intention, but if you look at what 
wnck_window_get_name boils down to, 
<https://git.gnome.org/browse/libwnck/tree/libwnck/xutils.c#n1229>, you 
see that it returns UTF8-encoded strings in most cases, but sometimes 
also strings in X11's compound text encoding, according to 
So it seems like the safest bet would be to try to decode the window 
name from UTF8, and if that fails, try Encode::X11 and its 
'x11-compound-text' (Hi Kevin!).
The hacky patch proposed (by me) is using
Encode::_utf8_on() to turn on the internal flag for string and mark it as
And I'm worried that shutter may crash if used in a non-utf8 environment.

After some experimentation, I've come up with a safer solution:

  use 5.12.0;
  use Encode::Locale;
  use Encode qw/decode/;
  # ...
  my $name = decode( 'locale' , $win->get_name);

This works in utf8 locale and is safer than turning utf8 flag on.
It seems like this would fail in a non-UTF8 locale, however, as 
gnome_wnck_window_get_name seems to always return UTF8 strings, 
regardless of locale.

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