Bug#1093119: pdf2baresvg is not installed

2025-01-15 Thread Torrekie
Package: pdf2svg Source: pdf2svg Version: 0.2.3-5 Severity: minor In pdf2svg source package, debian/rules generates debian/pdf2baresvg.1 and patched to add `pdf2baresvg` tool to objroot, but only the manpages being installed by debian/pdf2svg.manpages, which results `pdf2baresvg` is still missi

Bug#1037069: Netpbm library documentations not been installed to any package

2023-06-03 Thread Torrekie
Package: libnetpbm-dev Source: netpbm-free Version: 2:11.01.00-2 Severity: minor In netpbm-free source package there do present `libnetpbm11-dev.docs` and `libnetpbm11-dev.manpages`, but libnetpbm11-dev was not defined in control file, which causing all netpbm man3 hasn't been installed to any p

Bug#1030660: Dpkg: pod2man unable to format some perl modules during destroot

2023-02-06 Thread Torrekie
Package: libdpkg-perl Version: 1.21.19 Source: dpkg Severity: minor When installing dpkg 1.21.19 from source, I got several pod2man warnings that indicates some of the documentations has not been correctly generated. $ make install DESTDIR=`pwd`/destroot ... for module in Dpkg/Arch.pm Dpkg/Build