Bug#405737: Installation report : etch(daily build 20070103-21:52 ) installgui fails on i810

2007-01-08 Thread Roy Francis
On 1/8/07, Attilio Fiandrotti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: This is a tipical case of vesafb not being able to start because of unsupported video card: many video cards simply aren't supported by vesafb, so we implemented a sw fallback to the textual frontend for those cases. My question is: why th

Bug#405737: Installation report : etch(daily build 20070103-21:52 ) installgui fails on i810

2007-01-07 Thread Roy Francis
On 1/7/07, Frans Pop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: On Friday 05 January 2007 21:01, Roy Francis wrote: > Comments/Problems: > I am using the daily-build netinst image burnt onto a CDRW using > cdrecord. Once the bootsplash is shown, I used installgui at > boot-prompt. Booting

Bug#405737: Installation report : etch(daily build 20070103-21:52 ) installgui fails on i810

2007-01-05 Thread Roy Francis
Package: installation-reports (bug report : installgui fails) Boot method: CD Image version: Debian GNU/Linux testing "Etch" - Official Snapshot i386 NETINST Binary-1 20070103-21:52 (/.disk/info) Date: Jan 5 22:59:22 (IST) Machine: Assembled PC x86. Processor: Intel Pentium III (Katmai) 550MHz