Bug#1002689: linux-image-5.15.0-2-amd64: System reboots after initialising bluetooth depite no adapter in system

2021-12-27 Thread Peter Whisker
Package: src:linux Version: 5.15.5-1 Severity: important X-Debbugs-Cc: peter.whis...@gmail.com Dear Maintainer, *** Reporter, please consider answering these questions, where appropriate *** * What led up to the situation? The system spontaneously reboots after logging the following (I do no

Bug#294200: ldap-utils: ldapsearch hangs at ldap_int_select after displaying results

2005-02-08 Thread Peter Whisker
Package: ldap-utils Version: 2.1.30-3 Severity: important The search is on a Windows 2003 ADS. kinit -5 whiskerp has already been done to ket a krb5 ticket so no further authentication is necessary. alambil:~# /usr/bin/ldapsearch -H ldap://uk-dc001.groupinfra.com/ -b "dc=groupinfra,dc=com" "(s