Bug#877900: How to get 24-hour time on en_US.UTF-8 locale now?

2019-02-07 Thread Peter Silva
iso_en ? That sounds smart... English for most of the world that aren't necessarily native English speakers? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_English Use ISO dates and stuff, and pick a random spelling. As a Canadian, I'm pretty sure about colour, but unclear about whether we should st

Bug#889982: wrong maintain email...

2018-02-09 Thread Peter Silva
I just tested it, and peter_si...@sourceforge.net doesn't work, listed as one of the upstream source emails. Substitute: peter.silva@gmail.com is perhaps better then.

Bug#889982: RFS: python3-metpx-sarracenia [put in ITP] - file transfer thingum.

2018-02-09 Thread Peter Silva
beta soon. Package name : python3-metpx-sarracenia Version : 2.18.01a5 ? or later? maybe pull latest tag from git? Upstream Author: ssc.hpc-chp@canada.ca, peter_si...@sourceforge.net ( Peter Silva is manager of a team at Canadian government.) URL: http://metpx.sf.net

Bug#831007: fix requires upgrading to newer upstream

2017-04-14 Thread Peter Silva
Control: severity -1 wishlist It is painful that the behaviour changed, but if upstream decided that is the way it is, we cannot break upstream. There is a later upstream version (in the thread already) that reports, rather than being silent, but patch doesn't apply to what is in stretch, need th