Bug#712448: rpm package install fails if /etc/rpmrc exists (without /etc/rpm/macros)

2013-06-16 Thread P. A. Tullmann
Package: rpm Version: 4.8.1-6+squeeze1 Severity: normal I have a system with a 13-year-old "/etc/rpmrc" file on it. I tried to install the rpm package and got a cryptic error: sh: /usr/lib/rpm/convertrpmrc.sh: No such file or directory and the install failed. It looks like rpm.postinst used

Bug#610591: cdtool: cdown gets confused with multi-line titles and tracks

2011-01-20 Thread P. A. Tullmann
Package: cdtool Version: 2.1.8-release-1 Severity: normal Tags: patch The 'cdown' tool in the cdtool package gets mildly confused when looking up a CD if it gets a multi-line reply for any one entry in that CD's description. For example the 'DTITLE' response can look like: DTITLE=the artist