e changes made as an
NMU or to have them uploaded as patches for you to review and upload.
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
I am able to work around this problem on Debian Buster by adding the line:
imports.gi.versions.GtkSource = "3.0";
to the beginning of the file:
I am able to work around this problem on Debian Buster by adding the line:
|imports.gi.versions.GtkSource = "3.0";|
to the beginning of the file:
Package: gnome-sushi
Version: 3.30.0-2
Severity: grave
Sushi does not seem to work on Debian Buster. If I select e.g. some mp3 file in
Nautilus filemanager and press the space bar then nothing happens. The same
happens if I select file of some other type. I also get this error in the
Package: mpv
Version: 0.32.0-2
Severity: normal
Tags: fixed-upstream
Current MPV release has issue that causes very slow read speed from CIFS
mounted share, video freezes every few seconds when cache runs out. This is
already fixed upstream:
ray_type = ()
AttributeError: module 'sparse' has no attribute 'SparseArray'
-- System Information:
Debian Release: bullseye/sid
APT prefers testing
APT policy: (650, 'testing'), (450, 'unstable')
Architecture: amd64 (x86_64)
One of the affected extensions was LastPass, and in one of their support
forum threads there is a potentially valuable piece of information.
My Firefox was complied with gcc, I compiled it using Clang and that
fixed the problems for me. Lastpass now works again.
The thread in quest
Has there been any progress in fixing this bug?Atleast I have not heard
about any progress at all. Looks like Gnome developers do not care about
accessibility at all...
Are you talking about the legacy status icon panel? It sounds like you
are talking about it. If so then please note that status icon panel was
removed from Gnome, it is not part of the Gnome anymore. So this it not
a bug. Gnome developers decided to remove the legacy status icon panel
from Gno
Package: revelation
Version: 0.4.14-3
Severity: grave
Tags: ipv6
I am sorry that I report this so close to Buster release but I just noticeed
that in the Debian Buster release notes it is said that Revelation is removed
from the Buster. Release notes suggests that passwords can be exported
This bug should still be fixed in Buster. If that is not possible then
it would be good if the old style gnome-control-center in Debian
Stretch's Gnome 3.22 could be ported to Buster. It really should be
available as an alternative as a e.g package
gnome-control-center-legacy. The old style gn
Please note that there are many visually impaired users who must use the
Orca screen reader which speaks the content on screen. If pulseaudio
would not start automatically then for the blind user like me it would
be impossible to use the computer.
the current brltty in
Debian Stretch. Any idea if brltty 5.6 or later fixes this problem?
Thanks in advance.
On Sat, Nov 17, 2018 at 4:03 PM Mika Hanhijärvi wrote:
This is wery severe unacceptable problem. This bug makes Gnome 3.30 unusable
for the visually impaired users because you can not access or change the
desktop settings.
Thank you for taking t
Package: gnome-control-center
Version: 1:3.30.2-1
Severity: grave
Tags: a11y
I installed Debian Buster on virtual machine awhile ago. I wanted to try Buster
on virtual machine before upgrading my computers which are currently running
Debian Stretch. I am blind so I have to use scre
Package: libxmltooling7
Version: 1.6.0-4+deb9u1
Severity: important
Tags: security
There are no amd64 packages for 1.6.0-4+deb9u1 at
http://security.debian.org/pool/updates/main/x/xmltooling/ only arch all
-- System Information:
Debian Release: 9.3
Thank you wery much :-) It would be great if tis new version would be
available for the Stretch too in the backports repository.
Thank you wery much :-) It would be great if tis new version would be
available for the Stretch too in the backports repository.
Package: firefox-esr
Version: 52.2.0esr-1~deb9u1
Severity: important
Dear Maintainer,
*** Reporter, please consider answering these questions, where appropriate ***
* What led up to the situation?
* What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or
* What was
Package: gnome-orca
Version: 3.22.2-3
Severity: grave
I am sorry that I repport this so close to release of Stretch.
I am not really sure to which package I should report this bug. I am not sure
if this bug is in Orca, Pulseaudio, speech-dispatcher or someething else. I
think it might be prob
Package: pulseaudio
Version: 10.0-1
Severity: grave
I am sorry that I repport this so close to release of Stretch.
I am not really sure to which package I should report this bug. I am not 100%
sure if this g is in Pulseaudio, speech-eispatcher or someething else. I think
it might be a problem
Package: brltty
Version: 5.4-7
Severity: grave
I did get a new braille display awhile ago. I have been testing it and I have
noticed that braille table for the Finnish language is broken. Reading text
works but It is impossible to write text in Finnish using the integrated
braille keyboard in the
Unfortunately this did not fix the problem. The problem still exists. I
still have noticed this only when using Synaptic.
One interesting thing is that if it happens when I do this:
/) Go to eg virtual desktop 2 on Gnome/
2) start Synaptic on that virtual desktop
3) click Reload button
Ok, thanks for the info :-)
_ Mika
On 05/07/2017 05:49 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
I am looking at the line of code which caused the crash and it is the
same line of code as in the bug I reported. So you might have been doing
something different, but it appears to be the same bug which
bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=767074
On 05/07/2017 08:00 AM, Mika Hanhijärvi wrote:
Package: gnome-orca
Version: 3.22.2-3
Severity: grave
Orca seems to sometime crash suddenly without any warning. This is not good
because blind users like me have to rely on screen
On 05/07/2017 03:45 PM, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
That is this AT-SPI2 bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=767074
On 05/07/2017 08:00 AM, Mika Hanhijärvi wrote:
Package: gnome-orca
Version: 3.22.2-3
Severity: grave
Orca seems to sometime crash suddenly without any
Package: gnome-orca
Version: 3.22.2-3
Severity: grave
Orca seems to sometime crash suddenly without any warning. This is not good
because blind users like me have to rely on screen reader working reliably.
This, or similar, problem also existed before the latest update to Orca in
Debian Stretch, s
On 04/29/2017 09:42 PM, Paul Gevers wrote:
Hi Mika, Tim,
On 29-04-17 17:51, Joanmarie Diggs wrote:
And to prepare for fixes of the package in Debian (which is 3.22.2 and
will be extremely hard convince the release managers to update in this
stage due to the freeze), which fixes would
On 04/29/2017 06:35 PM, Scott Leggett wrote:
tags 861387 + moreinfo unreproducible
severity 861387 important
Hello Mika,
On 2017-04-28.13:17, Mika Hanhijärvi wrote:
Package: pasystray
Version: 0.6.0-1
Severity: grave
pasystray applet is visible in the Gnome's legacy
Package: pasystray
Version: 0.6.0-1
Severity: grave
pasystray applet is visible in the Gnome's legacy icon tray but when I click
the icon then applet menu does not open. This makes pasystray unusable,
atleast on Gnome, I do not know if the problem happens on other desktops too.
-- Syste
On 04/09/2017 10:10 PM, Samuel Thibault wrote:
Control: retitle -1 speechd-up: fails to install
Mika Hanhijärvi, on dim. 09 avril 2017 13:42:36 +0300, wrote:
When I try to install speechd-up package I get this error:
E: speechd-up: subprocess installed post-installation script
Package: python3-espeak
Version: 0.5-1+b4
Severity: grave
Packages python-espeak and python3-espeak can not be installed because of the
dependency problem if espeak speech synthesizer is replaced with espeak-ng by
installing the package libespeak-ng-libespeak1 which replaces the package
Package: speechd-up
Version: 0.5~20110719-6+b1
Severity: grave
When I try to install speechd-up package I get this error:
E: speechd-up: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error
exit status 1
Synaptic marks the package as installed. If I try to reinstall the package I
get thi
Package: synaptic
Version: 0.84.2
Severity: grave
Synaptic often freezes the Orca screen reader so that Orca speaks nothing until
Synaptic is closed. The same happens on both of my laptops running Debian
I am blind so I have to use computer using Orca screen reader. It happens wery
Package: libreoffice-writer
Version: 1:5.2.5-2
Severity: normal
If I try to save document to remote Google Drive using Libreoffice then I get
the General input / output error. The same happens if I try to open remote
when I added my Google Drive account it didn't gave any error. I en
Package: banshee
Version: 2.6.2-6.1
Severity: important
Banshe's artist, album, genre and song listviews are not accessible with Orca
screen reader.
I am blind so I have to use computer using screen reader which speaks the
content on screen. If I go e.g to the artist list and try to select on
Package: mbrola
Version: 3.01h+2-2
Severity: grave
If I go to Orca screen reader settings and select the "Espeak Mbrola generic"
as a speech synthetiser then Orca speaks nothing. That speech synthetiser did
still work couple of days ago when I used it the last time. Orca did speak
using those
making testing/stretch systems with radeon SI/CI cards unbootable right
Cheers + thanks,
Description: Digitale Signatur von OpenPGP
libraries, the upstream tarball is
bundling patched versions of gtest, some fitting routines from other
packages like ROOT and some themes and widgets from qt.
Am 2016-11-18 08:07, schrieb PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel:
Hello Mika,
VEry glade to hear that you decided to integrate bornag
Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: "Mika Pflüger"
User: debian-scie...@lists.debian.org
Usertags: field..physics
* Package name: bornagain
Version : 1.7.0
Upstream Author : Scientific Computing Group at MLZ Garching: Jan Burle,
Jonathan M. Fisher, Marina Ganev
Debian testing is also affected. I just installed a new system on my
friends laptop and got the same error.
Package: udisks2
Version: 2.1.6-2
Followup-For: Bug #767233
Dear Maintainer,
Just noticed this problem also.
I connected a USB stick to my computer to edit some video files. It automounted
fine but as root and readonly premissions for users.
-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
lter). If I recompile in
an up-to-date
stable chroot, it also picks up the dependency, so also in stable a binNMU
should fix it.
-- System Information:
Debian Release: stretch/sid
APT prefers testing-proposed-updates
APT policy: (650,
ql failed for me (with and without the pydist file) in an
unstable pbuilder. I still think a proper pydist file should work.
Description: Digitale Signatur von OpenPGP
ise DistributionNotFound(req)
pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: dugong>=3.4
So please tighten the dependencies of s3ql 2.13 to require python3-dugong >= 3.4
-- System Information:
Debian Release: 8.0
APT prefers testing-proposed-updates
the fixed version was uploaded to unstable by kobold (the maintainer),
and needs an unblock to migrate. The final debdiff between testing and
unstable is attached. Please unblock if all looks good to you:
unblock phpldapadmin/1.2.2-5.2
Cheers + thanks,
diff -Nru phpldapadmin-1.2.2
If you are unable to upload the package atm, I'll start searching for a
sponsor from monday on.
Description: Digitale Signatur von OpenPGP
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+phpldapadmin (1.2.2-5.2) unstable; urgency=medium
+ * Non-maintainer upload.
+ * Update the php 5.5 compatibility patch for the password_hash_custom
+setting (Closes: #761637).
+ -- Mika Pflüger Thu, 05 Feb 2015 00:41:07 +0100
phpldapadmin (1.2.2-5.1) unstable
quest or even a package, just drop
me a line. I also read you consider redesigning the whole certificate
generation code. If you could articulate your goal of what should happen,
I could try to implement that cleanly.
-- Package-specific info:
dovecot configuration
> > that's enabled in practice (tested both ways). So, installing a
> > apparmor package, that automatically enables this LSM, would
> > override the previous manual enabling of SELinux. The reciprocal
> > applies when running selinux-activate (which
shibboleth-sp2-utils suggests no packages.
-- no debconf information
mika@y-moodle:~$ sudo aptitude install -t wheezy-backports libapache2-mod-shib2
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libapache2-mod-shib2 libfcgi0ldbl{a} liblog4shib1{a} libmemcached10{a}
w_execstack on".
Maybe this helps and it is merely a configuration/documentation issue.
Description: PGP signature
se normal "apt-get" (not se_apt-get etc.)
commands as unconfined root, everything should work. You could at least
use this as a workaround for the time being.
Description: PGP signature
can also read
Description: PGP signature
n stable in
testing/unstable (e.g. in a VM), that would actually help us a lot!
If you need some help in setting up a test environment for that, I can
help you with it (or even provide a vm to you which you can use for
testing if you do not have necessary hardware).
Description: PGP signature
> audit(1406806780.703:10): avc: denied { read write } for pid=1752
> comm="ip" path="socket:[7252]" dev=sockfs ino=7252
> scontext=system_u:system_r:ifconfig_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023
> tcontext=system_u:system_r:dhcpc_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 tclass=udp_socket
> After another 'autid2allow' and 'semodule' there are no further AVCs
> in the log after a reboot and the interface works fine.
Could you provide the output of
# sestatus
# semodule -l
and also which init system you are using?
Description: PGP signature
see the future, after all), and it is very unlikely
we'll be able to fix that in stable.
Description: PGP signature
Package: request-tracker4
Version: 4.2.3-2
Severity: important
I did a new clean install of RT 4.2 from unstable on wheezy (with backports).
Needed to install libcss-squish-perl manually, without it RT dies with:
[28346] [Wed May 7 09:32:48 2014] [error]: Base class package "CSS::Squish" is
benefit. Note that the fact that selinux-policy-default uses mcs is
already documented in the package description.
I personally don't think we should update the comments
in /etc/selinux/config unless we are changing that file anyway.
Description: PGP signature
I haven't been able to reproduce this in the version I am now using.
G-control-center 3.8.3-5 and -data 3.8.3-7
So now raising privileges work as it should. Also running things like
synaptic asks for privileges and password as it should now.
Thanks Upstream packagers
On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 7:2
kernel: [ 3498.164413] gnome-shell[2688]:
segfault at 7fffcdd1aff8 ip 7f057c289812 sp 7fffcdd1b000 error
6 in libc-2.18.so[7f057c21+1a]
Please let me know if more info is needed.
red while processing:
Anyhow thank you for a workaround. I couldnt reproduce it after once
setting mesa diverting. Maybe I could if I went back to the same situation
with istalling libc6 older version, running with Nvi
Package: synaptic
Version: 0.80.4
Followup-For: Bug #737681
Dear Maintainer,
Well I checked and its not Synaptics fault. Other front ends fail also. It
seems to be that my hard drive is failing. So I suppose you can close this bug.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
-- System Information
Package: synaptic
Version: 0.80.4
Severity: important
Dear Maintainer,
I, opened terminal, ran su and then synaptic.
Synaptic tries to start but gives an error and quits after I click on the
Here is the error dialog:
E: Read error - read (5 Input/output error)
E: The package lists or st
Thanks for the info,
I updated the drivers from experimental. I will try to find time to try
replicating the bug later this evening if its fixed or not.
rade a few weeks ago and the bug was still there.
On Fri, Dec 20, 2013 at 6:35 PM, Wendy J. Elmer wrote:
> What version of dpkg are you using? Could it be this problem?
> dpkg (1.17.5) unstable; urgency=low
> [ Guillem Jover ]
> [...]
> * Fix segfault
Package: ndiswrapper-common
Version: 1.58-2
Severity: important
File: /usr/sbin/ndiswrapper
Dear Maintainer,
I got a used pci wlan card that happens to be mrv8355 and needs ndiswrapper to
work. I found that out from the Debian wiki here:
The N
Package: gnome-online-accounts
Version: 3.8.3-1
Followup-For: Bug #673589
Dear Maintainer,
*** Please consider answering these questions, where appropriate ***
So my earlier info was incomplete. I found this bug #717945 in libgcr that
might be related to my problem. The workaround was also from t
-kit (0.18.5-1) to 0.18.5-3
parted (2.3-15) to 2.3-16
steam-launcher ( to
steam:i386 ( to
synaptic (0.80.2) to 0.80.3
telepathy-gabble (0.18.0-1) to 0.18.1-1
telepathy-rakia (0.7.4-1) to 0.7.5-1
whiptail (0.52.15-2+b1) to 0.52.15-
Hope this helps,
-- System
Package: libpangoft2-1.0-0
Version: 1.32.5-5+b1
Severity: important
File: pangoft
Dear Maintainer,
Use Gimp to add and edit text. Use toolbar to select font for the text and
scroll for the one you want. After a while of scrolling Gimp crashes. I
searched the logs for signs and found this in ker
Package: libc6
Version: 2.17-92+b1
Severity: important
Dear Maintainer,
I was updating my Sid / experimental system through synaptic. Selected update
all. After some of the libc6 multiarch packages were updated the installation
of the rest of libc6 packages failed due to a segfault on installat
of packages graphite-web suggests:
ii graphite-carbon 0.9.10-4
pn libapache2-mod-wsgi
pn python-ldap
pn python-memcache
pn python-mysqldb
-- Configuration Files:
/etc/graphite/local_settings.py changed [not included]
-- no debconf informatio
your setup.
Description: PGP signature
one from resolvconf's doc
repository; however, I think than you have to write the relevant parts
of policy yourself (possibly using audit2allow).
Description: PGP signature
as mentioned in the wiki, the debian default configuration of postfix
(chrooted) is not supported by selinux policy. Please use the script
postfix-nochroot to unchroot your configuration.
Description: PGP signature
does anything break, or is it just a spurious AVC denial? If no
important functionality of irqbalance is lost, it may not be worth
fixing this in stable, we could just forward a fix upstream and wait
until it trickles back to debian.
Description: PGP
sl dh parameters) is not
affected, this is not an important bug. And the spurious AVC denial is
annoying, but not important either.
Description: PGP signature
unconf@setest:~$ id -Z
Either the bug was fixed in the meantime or I don't understand where
the bug actually is.
Description: PGP signature
>> librtmp.so.0 => /home/pulmu/lib/librtmp.so.0 (0x7fd735257000)
> This looks like a good candidate. What happens if you move this local
> library out of the way?
> I've confirmed that the equivalent check on a wheezy install here does
> include librtmp.so.0 but does not feature any ref
2013/5/25 Adam D. Barratt :
> Please could you run "which mplayer" and "ldd $(which mplayer)" and
> provide the result?
> Regards,
> Adam
which mplayer
ldd $(which mplayer)
linux-vdso.so.1 => (0x7fff489ff000)
libm.so.6 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6 (0x
Package: mplayer
Version: 2:1.0~rc4.dfsg1+svn34540-1+b2
Severity: grave
Justification: renders package unusable
It seems that mplayer is linked against obsolete package libssl0.9.8 in amd64
When I try to start mplayer, I get the following message:
mplayer: error while loading sh
Thanks Steve,
I Removed the entries of Windows from UEFI with efibootmgr. So it can make
some changes to UEFI. Then I tried to add the entries for Debian again and
still it didn't work. I feel there is some problem in writing entries to
Uefi with the newer versions of efibootmgr. Since Steve's Deb
e needed exactly, we could maybe do better.
For now I pushed a change with the full permissions to alioth git.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Package: synaptic
Version: 0.80
Severity: important
Dear Maintainer,
I updated synaptic and tried to check what versions of software are available
from Experimental. So I went to Settings, Preferences, Distribution and
selected Prefer versions from Experimental. Clicked apply and Ok. Checked wh
Package: efibootmgr
Version: 0.5.4-5
Followup-For: Bug #706632
Dear Maintainer,
The first install I made with my new or actually used UEFI enabled computer was
from Steves update 2 of EFI boot network install CD:s. A while later I needed
to do it again so I did it from update4 as it was the lat
package, if any.
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-bugs-dist-requ...@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact listmas...@lists.debian.org
Hi release team,
Thomas Goirand was so nice to upload the fixed package to unstable. He
added a small change to fix building twice in a row, such that the full
changelog now reads:
[ Mika Pflüger ]
* Team upload.
* debian/patches/05_ssl.patch: Add upstream patch to force building
unblock python-mysqldb/1.2.3-2
diff -Nru python-mysqldb-1.2.3/debian/changelog python-mysqldb-1.2.3/debian/changelog
--- python-mysqldb-1.2.3/debian/changelog 2011-10-18 12:46:05.0 +0200
+++ python-mysqldb-1.2.3/debian/changelog 2013-03-12 13:51:34.0 +0100
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
The corrected debdiff still had a bogus changelog whitespace-only
change, thanks to Julien Cristau for noticing it. So here is an even
more corrected version. (-;
diff -Nru python-mysqldb-1.2.3/debian/changelog
--- python-mysqldb
my last debdiff did not include an appropriate (Closes: #)-Tag, this
one is corrected. Sorry for the noise.
diff -Nru python-mysqldb-1.2.3/debian/changelog
--- python-mysqldb-1.2.3/debian/changelog 2011-10-18 12:46:05.0
x27;m volunteering to file an unblock request.
Description: Binary data
Description: PGP signature
system wide fips
Description: PGP signature
policy/modules/system/sysnetwork.te |1 +
policy/modules/system/systemd.te|8 +++-
18 files changed, 57 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
The debdiff is attached.
unblock refpolicy/2:2.20110726-12
Thanks for your work + cheers,
Am Tue, 4 Dec 2012 19:57:46 +0100
schrieb Ivo De Decker :
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 11:51:55PM +0200, Mika Pflüger wrote:
> > Steps to reproduce:
> > 1. Fresh wheezy install
> > 2. apt-get install extlinux
> > 3. extlinux-update && extlinux-install
> >
Package's Recommends field is empty.
Package's Suggests field is empty.
- --
Mika Suomalainen
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Homepage: http://mkaysi.github.com/
Comment: Public key: http://mkaysi.gi
es (= |
OR wicd-cli (= |
OR wicd-client |
rfkill | 0.4-1
Suggests (Version) | Installed
pm-utils| 1.4.1-9
- --
Mika Suomalainen
tags 689952 +moreinfo
could you post the output of
# semodule -l
# check-selinux-installation
This will hint at common problems and will show your installed selinux
modules. Maybe we can spot the missing one.
Own your own computer. Don't use Windows 7.
Package: apt
Severity: important
Dear Maintainer,
When a data.tar.{gz,xz} contains a path name that is exactly
100 characters long, it will get truncated to 99 chars upon
extraction in ExtractTar::Go().
It seems in older gnu tar versions (pre-wheezy) the behavior
was more conser
Package: python-debian
Version: 0.1.18+squeeze1
Severity: normal
Tags: patch
arfile.ArFile.extractfile(self, member) will only find the matching
member if
it happens to be the first file in the archive. The method returns from
search loop during the first iteration.
The fix is trivial and is
Thanks for your work + cheers,
diff -Nru refpolicy-2.20110726/debian/changelog
--- refpolicy-2.20110726/debian/changelog 2012-06-30 11:42:53.0
+++ refpolicy-2.20110726/debian/changelog 2012-09-30 22:47:31.0
1 - 100 of 403 matches
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